I have the utmost respect for game developers especially the guys who are renowned for sharing their visions and talents with us who love games. But for some reason, I get a little bit, I don't know how to say this, but kind of irksome whenever a developer puts their names on the titles they develop.
For example, Supreme Commander has "a RTS game by Chris Taylor" on the bottom of the box, or how Richard Garriot has his name on his new developed MMO entitled, "Richard Garriot's Tabula Rasa." Another huge example is Sid Mier who practically has his name on, well, everything. These are just a few examples. I had no idea who Chris Taylor was until I picked up Supreme Commander. It's like he placed his name on the box so everyone can know who he is. Is that really neccessary?
Now, I recognize that these games are their babies, so-to-speak, and I do respect them for loving their creations, but it feels a little bit egotistical in some ways. In contrast, I don't see Miyamoto place his name on his titles. He could easily have put "Shigeru Miyamoto presents: Pikmin" or "Miyamoto's Super Mario Galaxy." I also don't see Will Wright give himself credit on his Sim games, even though he deserves all the credit in the world. Also, guys like Mikami, Metzen, Gabe Newell, or even John Carmack don't have their names on their highly popular titles. Doom 3 doesn't have "John Carmack's Doom 3" on it.
I guess this kind of bothers me...just slightly...because no matter how amazingly talented or what great minds these developers have, games are still a team effort. I don't know, that's how I feel about it. Please forgive me if I said anything wrong or offended anyone who are fans of these developers' games...I'm a fan too. I dig Supreme Commander and look forward to Tabula Rasa by the great Richard Garriot...but I guess it's because...I know they're great, but having their names on the titles seem like they want to reinforce their greatness a little too much.
I think when a game is good and it delivers greatness, people will recognize who these developers are. That's how I feel about it.
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