As the title states,
The current trend is going great for casual gamers not wanting to be watered-down by the technicalities of owning an up-to-date gaming PC of today's next-gen gaming requirements. XBox360, PS3 & Wii all had great games (current and upcoming; AC2, MW2, Dragon Age, Bayonetta, GoW and many more) and not to mention sales, however, do exclude what the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) had done to all of us out there.. lol.
By all means PC had a fair amount of games as well last year such as L4D2, MW2 (debatable), DoW2, AC2 (supposedly but delayed), Half-Life.
However, console seem to be more "loud" than their PC counterparts which brings me to ask myself: Is the PC going to be a minority platform (it'll be around, just a tiny fragment of the gaming world) with the demand, market and benefits of Consoles that allures developers to prefer consoles as the prefered platform?
*Demand - casual gamers outnumber enthusiast PC gamers (technicalities/price or costs)
*Market - large market of casual gamers (adults, parents, working ppl, kids, PC gamers) who want a stress-free gaming platform; i.e. Just pop the disc & it works, period.
*Benefits - Piracy. PS3's Blue Ray discs have not been pirated, for games as far as I know. Frequent firmware updates that allow the weeding out of hacked console systems.
~ What's your opinion on this? ~
My stand:
I'm for PC Gaming as well as Console Gaming. Just hate it when developers dumb down one platform version over the other; e.g. MW2 (dun flame me *.*)
FPS & MMORPG - with the PC. Platform, RPG, 3rd person - with the Consoles.
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