Brief background:
I'm in the gameshop, about to buy The Orange Box (
Being obsessive-compulsive, I have taken my time to decide to buy it...and promptly changed my mind not to buy it just yet...
This happened over and over again.
So I'm in the gameshop, as I said, and again taking my time. Finally I feel that I should buy it already. But I browse through all the other games that interests me first.
I read the Dragon Age: Origin box...I notice that behind it it says that its got a one-time use code for a downloadable character and quest that comes with the retail purchase and that this code will expire on April 30,2010.
"One time use code for a character and downloadable quest? April 30...that's next Friday..."
And in front I see that it also includes a MASS EFFECT 2 downloadable item. (I also plan to get MASS EFFECT 1 and 2).
Take note that I also am seriously thinking of getting Dragon Age: Origin and its expansion, but I am waiting for some sort of Gold Edition to come out.
These downloadable contents were enough to derail my decision...YET buy The Orange Box.
Main Point of this thread:
So, tell me dear gamers...just exactly what is:
1. The downlodable character and quest that you get with the one-time use code that expires on April 30,2010?
2. The MASS EFFECT 2 in-game item.
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