As a 360 and Wii owner, I have been pretty disappointed this form E3. All three news conferences have been disappointing overall imo.
Microsoft- Probably the best, but that doesn't mean much. It had good footbage of RE5, Gears, and of course there was the FF13 announcement. New Live interface. Overall, not a lot of new information to get excited about. FF13 is probably the biggest announcment of E3.
Nintendo- Basically all casual games. I don't care much for Animal Crossing, and Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort are just more shallow tech demos. The best announcement is the voice chat option, that will hopefully be available for current games like MK and Brawl. But where is the deep gameplay and great titles? Where is Starfox, F-Zero, Donkey Kong and the others? Snowboarding looked kinds cool.
Sony- Adimittedly I know the least about Sony. So far all I've heard is that God of War 3 was the only thing worth hearing at the conference. The rest was nothing really important. Correct me if I'm wrong though- it's just what I've heard.
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