Lately I've had the urge to actually finish my first jrppg (laugh), so in your own words what's the easiest? System requirements - any, since I know some people won't read this :)
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Lately I've had the urge to actually finish my first jrppg (laugh), so in your own words what's the easiest? System requirements - any, since I know some people won't read this :)
Actually, I'd say Final Fantasy X, and not just because it's my favorite game, lol.
It's very linear so you can't get lost or sidetracked. You know how sometimes in a game you're like, okay what the hell am I supposed to do now? I don't think I encountered that. And though the sphere grid can be a little frustrating at first, once you get used to it it's very simple and adaptable.
The Final Fantasy series is funny though, because the games are all quite different people have wildly varying opinions of them, so you truly cannot listen to people when they that so and so is the best. You just have to check it for yourself.
Outside of one maze, Eternal Sonata is crazy easy. The combat looks cool but it's a walk in the park. I never lost more than like 30% of my health on any character and I never had to use a single potion or healing item. If you just mash the attack button you could beat every encounter with ease, except for the one that the game forces you to lose.
Many reviewers said that the combat was "deep and strategic." I'm pretty sure Namco-Bandai cut them a check because that's about as accurate as describing GTA as the ultimate poker video game with online MS point gambling.
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