why are they doing this?!? ICO and Shadow of the Collossus combined sold less then 1 million copies to a user base 5 times that of the ps3. This and the last guardian are all going to do veyr poorly.
Could someone please explain the appeal of shadow of the collosus & ico? I have never ever met a single human being outside of an internet message board whose even heard of these games so its hard for me to ytake it seriously when i see internet people say they're hugly popular and so amazing. I keep hearing its so popular and amazing but every single store that sells video games has stacks & stacks of SOC that have remained unsold at very cheap prices for years & years.Kind of like the ps3 shortages earlier this year. Every singly store that sells consoles had stacks & stacks & stacks of ps3's they couldn't sell but there was an offical "shortage" of systems that weren't meeting demand.
I've tried playing SOC 3 times now, got to the 13th collosus each time but apart from the fact it's the worst looking ps2 game ive ever seen the controls are so bad it breaks immersion. climbing on the collusi are neat but its gets really boring really fast with the mindless repetetion of doing the same climb until yer bar runs out hoping yer in a safe area, rinse and repeat after aimlessly screwing around to find some unique way to hurt the collusi so you can start clibmong it that always involves a function of the game you didn't know you could do until the game tells you what to do if you can't figure it out in 20 seconds.
What really broke the game for me was the bull collosi. I had no idea you could pick stuff off of the ground cause 7 or 8 collosi in i had never had to do that before in the game. Then the collosi with the 3 sacks you have to shoot while you ride. WTF!?! I had to hold down nearly every button on the controller in order to do it. I couldn't keep playing the game after that cause ug...horrible controls made me want to put my comntroller through the tv, just like MGS3. Hold down 4 buttons to shoot your gun. *Shakes head* this is why the mgs games do very poorly at retail. People won't put up with bad controls anymore. Another beef with soc is it has no story of any kind yet is praised for the best narrative ever made in a game. You make up your own story for the game and its all relevant cause the game itself has no narrative beyond kill these guys. They are evil. WHich is the same basic story doom had. Mind you doom is an awsome game but its not praised for its story but SOC bizzarely is.
Worst ps2 game ever made but i can't stop hearing baout how brilliant it is by every hack journalist and message board warrior. And the fact that it tanked hardcore on ps2 proves the general public agrees with me. But that may not be points in my favour considering how many people think MW2 is the pinnicle of online shooters.
Sorry to sound like a troll but I really, really, really hate this game and and continiously puzzled how a game can get so much praise and popularity on the internet yet i have failed to meet a single person in the real world who has ever purchased a copy. Even friends of friends have never played it.
First of all, MGS games dont do poorly at retail. I dont know where you got that from. I would throw sales numbers at you, but you can get them off Wikipedia yourself and save us all some time. SOTC also is a Greatest Hits title which means it clearly is a "hit". A game doesn't have to sell a million in each territory to be considered a hit.
Yes, the controls take a bit of getting used to, but no you dont need to hold more than two buttons to do something. Just like how you you dont have to hold down 4 buttons in MGS3 to shoot. Stop exaggerating to make your point, we all know those two aren't the easiest games to control, but they aren't game breaking like you're making them out to be. The bull collosi has a cutscene in the beginning where you are specifically shown a stick falling on the ground. the cutscene triggers each time you die in a fight. Not to mention the hints system tells you what you need to do. You were probably not paying attention, it happens to everyone, but lets not pretend that it's the game's fault. The other fight where you have to shoot at the flying collosi in the desert isn't that hard once you realize there is massive auto-aim assist in the game. You aren't suppose to treat this like a shooter, just point in the right direction and let the aim-assist do its thing. Again, it pays to learn the game. You complain about 'mindless repetition' of climbing the collosi, but when the game changes things up by throwing fast bulls and flying creatures at you, you get agitated and dismiss it.
As for the story, this game is proof that you dont need to have cutscenes and dialog in videogames to have an excellent narrative. I see you haven't beaten the game so you haven't seen the last cutscene which is close to 20 minutes long. That ending is probably the best ending i've seen in a video game. It also helps if you've played ICO since SOTC is supposed to be a spiritual prequel to ICO. Regardless, you wouldn't judge a movie's story without watching the whole thing, no need to say the game has no story of any kind. If you think that the game is about killing evil collosi then you need to finish the game because it's anything but that. There is a reason that all collosi fall tragically to their deaths to somber music, and not to a triumphant score.
one small piece of advice, when you come on a message board and start or take part in a discussion, insulting them by calling them message board warriors is not the brightest thing to do. Espeically not when you seem to think SOTC is the worst PS2 game, the worst looking PS2 game, that it tanked hardcore when it's actually a Greatest Hits title and that MGS games do poorly at retail. You dont sound like a troll, just a very ignorant person who seems to correlate the POPULARITY of a game to its quality. If your friends haven't played the game then it just means they missed out on a quality game, that's it. Them playing the game doesn;t make it a better or worse game. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game.
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