I believe this is something both fans and people less optimistic about Halo can enjoy:
Halo 3: Retrospective
Eurogamer's Halo 3 review was the one I personally agreed with the most so reading this was very interesting. Both of the writers bring forth good points but I'm (surprise surprise) on Welsh's side. He "gets" it (IMO), describes exactly what sets it apart from all other games in a much better manner than I've seen any other Halo fan do. Alec Meer uses arguments we've all heard many times and that do hold true if you take that point of view, but one thing that bothered me was the following statement:
"...the former Halo fan (that's me) says unbrokenness is not the same as greatness. To my naive mind, a series with this much clout and influence has a duty to gaming, to push things forward, to set new standards."
Is that not exactly what Halo 3 did with saved films, forge, 4 player co-op, bungie.net, the adjustable single player difficulty and scoring and so on? Obviously these features have been in previous games in some form many times over, but never have all of these been incorporated in the same game (except maybe if you count HL2 with mods). The game set a new standard for especially console games when it comes to allowing the player easily use his own creativity and community features in general, a standard I believe will stand until Bungie's next game is released.
One thing I feel Welsh could have talked more about is the AI, which IMO is the reason Halo's singleplayer works as well for me as it does. While the NPCs in Halo might not possess the flanking and teamworking abilities of the enemies in for example Far Cry, they are the most adapting enemies in any fps I've ever played. It's because of the AI you can play Halo as for example a stealth game, a pure run and gunner, a tactical shooter or a brawler, all depeding on what you feel like. Obviously some variants are easier than others but the AI responds in a realistic manner (and the game is still fun to play) whichever you choose, making the gameplay feel much deeper as even if you would play through the whole game using one style you still know you could have tackled every single encounter in the game completely differently. This is the reason I've got more playthtroughs on the Halos than any other fps in existence and one of the main reasons they are among my favorite single player fps's in general.
Also, it's an achievement for a game to still now 5 months from its release manage to force me to write something like this as fast as possible due to the fact I want to play big team battle with my friends :P
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