Have you ever gotten mad while playing videogames that you threw your contoller, destory your game, or destory your system??? Just wondering.... Have you???
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Have you ever gotten mad while playing videogames that you threw your contoller, destory your game, or destory your system??? Just wondering.... Have you???
I have gotten furious, but unlike some people, I actually have restraint.Food_Nipple
Well, I'm the same as you. When I feel the need to throw my controller into the ground I find a old one and break it (highly unlikely though) or I just think, how long do you think it will take me to GET another controller like this.
Actually today, I got more mad than I have in a very long time, I was doing mercs in the ps2 version of RE4 (i beat it long ago on GC), the last thing I had to 5 star was waterworld with Hunk and in the ps2 version the double chainsaw ***** spawns differently than they do on GC... and since all Hunk can really do is grenade them (which... may.. or may not stun them, and his TMP definatly wont) that can be... very... very... very annoying... but I just punched my desk... I dont break stuff....
Then my brother texted me about the Gears maps and .. apperently he's gonna buy them... (I couldent do it out of pricipal) and that made me less angry... (for some reason).
I threw a barstool through a pac man arcade game at a bar one time ....dam ghosts...wait a min that wasnt me.
Seriously ive had times in the distant past where i would jerk my controller and my system would fly off its perch but now days all my 1st player controllers are wireless so im aight.
My ex though threw my first ps2 off a balcony a few times and broke it :cry:
Countless times. When I was a bit younger, I used to vent my frustration mainly by hitting things. But now, I know that a game is just a game, and it's really nothing worth fretting over.luke1889Me too i would punch stuff and slam my controller and break it but now its like eh o well.
It's because you're so used to winning.
I mean when you play something on easy mode, you keep succeeding and so on.
Then when you crank on normal or hard, then you start faltering. People need to realize that losing is normal. But the easy modes of today have given us a false illusion of winning all the time. Once you realize that it's okay to lose, then you start to learn from losses.
I think everyone gets mad at something when playing a game. Im just not one of those people who throw stuff. I pay good money for my stuff to be throwing stuff around.Kage1
Yep, I've gotten mad once or twice, but I never took it out on the system or my environment. After all, most of the time it is my error.
Does the Pope crap in the woods? Er... yes I mean to say.
Give me a platformer like Super Mario Bros where the constant jumping followed by one tiny slip up or an ultra cheap boss like Alpha 152 from DoA4 or M. Bison from Street Fighter 2, and I'll go bat **** insane and my bloodpressure will boil through the roof. Generally I try to relieve my anger playing games... it's just some games do it in reverse to me.
Then again I don't think I've ever met someone who plays games and hasn't gotten furious from playing them at least once in their life.
Goodness yes! Unlike people with restraint I have decades of frustration built up in my extremely bi-polar brain and it is unleashed upon hapless controllers from time to time as some have been witnessed to. The first one I remember purposefully destroying was an old Atari one-button joystick controller for the Atari 1200XL computer system. I was playing some fun Tempest knock-off on a fairly worn down (but comfortable) controller when I pronounced judgement on said joystick's lack of ability to move quick enough and I tore the stick off the base of the controller in an attempt to right the balance of the cosmos.
It was a somewhat bittersweet parting as that was the joystick that go me through the entire blacked out screen levels of "Montezuma's Revenge"(hey kids how would you like to play through a platform game in which you can't see any of the platforms so you have to have every level memorized to the pixel) . I had more sticks though so I was up and at 'em in no time.
I have broke a Xbox DUKE controller when I was trying to beat HALO on Legendary.
One time I was trying to show my friend a new DVD I got and I was trying to control it with my PS2 controller and I got so pissed off that is wasn't working I just snapped the PS2 controller in half....then my wife handed me my Xbox DVD Controller and called me a moron and walked away....
Hah, many times. I only remember a few though. Once, when I was younger, I was playing Link's Awakening DX on my Gameboy Color. I remember I was facing one of the first bosses, the one that goes in the sand and comes back up and you are required to hit its tail. I got so frustrated with that so I threw my gameboy. It was fine though.
Then, Shadow of the Colossus. I remember facing the sand boss in the cavern where you must hit it with an arrow. I couldn't figure out what to do so I eventually just started mashing buttons and ended up glitching and I was in the wall. Heh.
Why do sand worms always give me a hard time?
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