I actually saw the full game informer article with screens.....and as I suspected, this game will be "Fallout 3" in name only.....it'll be a game that will be liked by people who never played the first two games (especially 360 users) and hated by fans of the original two games.
Looking at the screens, with half of them I felt like I was looking at an Oblivion mod set in the future, the other half I felt like I was looking at some sci-fi FPS.
Basically, Fallout 3 is good "ownage" material for console users who never cared about the series in the first place and were only interested in getting another name-brand franchise on their system with nice graphics, even if they didn't care or ever play about that franchise..
They've basically turned Fallout 3 into Oblivion meets STALKER.....or "Oblivion with guns minus the auto-leveling" with an RE4 style third person view if you want to go into third-person.
From what I read, when you go into combat their answer to "turn base role-playing" is you go into first-person perspective and basically choose hitpoints depending on your character's skills....oh, and it really looked like the combat and the game itself will be designed around an Xbox 360 controller.
Sure, the graphics look good....but man is it a departure from the atmoshere of the series.....if it wasn't for the vault jumpsuits in the screenshots and the logo on the pipboy....there is literally nothing to lead one to believe this is a Fallout game or a successor of the series.
Where Fallout 1 & 2 were humorous in a dark tongue and cheek way.....Fallout 3 looks all serious and well, gloomy, like it's really trying to take itself seriously and now its all dark and serious.
This is what I was worried about.....that Bethesda would listen too much to one aspect of what made the atmosphere while ignoring all the rest.....so all the people whining about the gore and having children in the game, congratulations, you got it......but the humor and the rest of the atmosphere has been sacrificed in the process, Fallout 3 looks all gloomy and depressing, and it exudes an atmoshere very different from the first two games. If I wanted gore and little kids dying I could have just played Prey.....I was hoping I would be wrong in my worries of Bethesda not getting Fallout's atsmospere....looks like I wasn't.
Sure, your pip-boy will be able to play 50's and 40's music that Bethesda licensed....sure they'll be gore....sure they'll be kids.....but that's pretty much all that's been intact from the series.
Its as if they slapped all the superficial things of Fallout onto a game that's very different as they think they are fooling fans of Fallout 1 & 2 by being like "look, its got 50's music, we hired Ron Perlman to give an opening line, and the characters are wearing vault jump suits, or and the pip boy logo....there done, it's instantly "Fallout" now".....we'll....no, it clearly isn't.
I never played the original Fallouts so I don't have any kind of expectations about this since Bethesda is a rather fickle developer, but this sounds pretty good to me. Hopefully, it'll turn out good.
This game is actually good news for you, bad news for Fallout fans for me.....since by playing this action-game with some RPG elements you won't be disappointed by what a departure it is from the atmosphere of the first two games.
At least its taking place on the East Coast, so fans of Fallout 1 & 2 can view this game as an unrelated spin-off like they did with Botherhood of Steel.
I don't like the original Fallouts, but I love The Elder Scrolls and STALKER, so I'm all for this change. RyanWare
Exactly the point I'm making....from the Game Informer article I pretty much picked up this game is being made for two kinds of people:
1. Those who never played the original Fallout games.
2. Those who don't like the original Fallout games.
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