Without a doubt the PC version. Better graphics (especially if you use a modded high res texture set) and as is the case with every Bethesda game the mod community fixes any issue you may have had with the game. I have mods, for example, that give me an inebriation effect when drinking (the screen gets progressively blurrier the more you drink and after awhile you get double vision and things start moving around) and allow me to blast open locked doors and chests with explosives.
Also, a bonus with the PC version is that if you encounter glitches that would have normally broken a game on the 360/PS3 versions you can probably use a console command to get past it on the PC version. For example, there was this point in the game where I needed to clean out a building to finish of the main quest. I had killed every enemy in there but the game still wasn't saying I completed it. Eventually I figured out that an enemy had somehow glitched behind a door that couldn't be unlocked until later in the game after completing a quest. If I had been playing on the console versions I would have had to restart the game or at best revert back to a save and lost 10+ hours of gameplay (since I had given up on the quest for awhile, done a lot of stuff, and then come back to try to complete it). But because I was using the PC version I just noclipped behind the door, killed the enemy, and finished the quest.
So if your PC can handle it, the PC version is definitely the way to go (as is the case with just about every game). There isn't even the issue of achievements with Fallout 3 since the PC version still nets you achievements on your xbox live profile.
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