You know, they have some pretty good pmt meds available these days, RMS.
Class act as always Henry.
Only people I know who hate F3 are those graphics who*es. People who only play games with candly looks
Yes, yes I'm clearly all about them graphics Ser. From my love of Chrono Trigger, Tetris, Devil May Cry 3, Pac-Man: Championship Edition, and all the way to Disgaea lol.
Considering the list of games you usually praise (Mass Effect: Andromeda, joke of 2017), and stupid comments you make on games you're ignorant on
"At least today sequels are different to the original game. In the old days sequels were always identical. Look at Mario 1-3. Identical."
Perhaps take a step back and realise how much a hypocrite you are!
Unlike you, with a number of games, I've tried a few of the Fallout games. Just don't think highly on my experience with FO3. At least I asked if a certain magic helps the experience that I'm missing_
Barely care for graphics (as my list should have hinted) but FO3 is down right ugly to look at, even artistically. Creators intent probably, it's a dead world, but everything being a generic brown and so many reused assets is sore on the eyes. Give me Oblivion and Morrowind any day over Fallout3. Yes, I think Morrowind looks better than FO3, at least artistically.
Well, they can go (censored) for all I care! F3 is a masterpiece, and its on the top ten list of every hardcore gamer I know.
Hit a nerve or something. Didn't realise you developed FO3_
Just so many people listed for that "every" remark, I cannot process the volume. . do these "hardcore gamer"s really exist, or are you trying to stroke your own ego?
I've never stated people can't like FO3, my post was personal experience, but now it's a privilege for the "hardcore" crowd? . . lol, you really are something Henry. Guess I'll go back to my filthy casual games like Monster Hunter. You sure showed me
Along with such greats as AC2
Assuming "AC2" means Assassins Creed 2? I played that game in full, weird start but overall good follow up after a terrible first game, which was shallow and held your hand like an idiot. Now I liked Assassins Creed 2 for what it was, so if you want to call it great that's fine with me. Personally disagree, would call it good. Nothing more.
Regardless as already established it's cool you only like Sandbox games. Don't share your limited taste. And if you realised variety is the spice of life, different people can like different things, and this is fine. However, quality is a factor here regardless on what one enjoys. And I didn't see a lot of it in Fallout 3. Wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda rushed the game to work more on Skyrim.
But hey, theres no accounting for taste. Some have it, you dont. Go figure.
Yes, yes I like bad games. Boo hoo.
Fallout 3 is still ugly and you explained nothing magical that I could consider from my previous post.. A good quest mention or hidden ability may have at least helped what ever case your rant was going for.
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