These are Digi_Matrix's Impressions stolen from his impressions thread
CONTROLS: HOLDING is a big part of the game. Hold R trigger to Sprint. Hold L trigger to Block. Simple. But, Hold A to Run continuously. You jump with A, too. But you don't need to press A again ever. You've been holding A to run, just keep on holding and you'll climb automatically. All you need to do is point where you're going with the camera (R thumstick), and you'll be climbing anything.
You can hold B to continuously shove anyone in your way. Watch out though, because you can get knocked over. It REALLY is like rugby
. Back to agenda:
- Now have climbed to rooftops. Look down and use my eagle vision (guy was impressed that I knew what it was, since he didn't mention it). See a red guy. Go down, and follow him. He's a Thug. Lock-on with Left Trigger. Sneak behind him, then HOLD B to pickpocket some knives from him. 'Twas sweet
- Climb back up again and on higher rooftops now. Use those knives to throw at 2 guards like shuriken. You can Lock-On to targets from way up above. Basically anyone in your sights, just need to point. Just as far as the knives can go. Very awesome moment. 1st guard goes down, other guard kneels, BAMM!!! He's down too
. Yup, definitely feeling like an assassin.
- POINTING is the major concern for the player, not buttons. Just point and do contextual actions. Great work on the extremely intuitive and revolutionary controls, Ubisoft
. This'll be good for speed runs, no stopping, awesomeness.
COMBAT: Trigger-based combat. Not combos. Feels like a figher game, like Virtua Fighter.
- Defence-based. TAP L trigger once to enter combat stance, not hold. HOLD R trigger for Block. You won't be attacking as much. That might make it similar to PoP series a little, but much more realistic and can't block forever. Can lose health even when blocking
. Time enemy attacks, and Counter (X) at right time to parry with your own special counter-attacks. They're like finishers, and they're bloody awesome. Yes, better than Conan dismemberment, or even an Izuna drop
. If you parry well, there's a small window where enemy is stunned, and you can Attack one last time to see the blood fly
- AI is damn intelligent. They don't attack one by one, acting as fodder. They're like Ninja Gaiden foes, attacking whenever they like. Hard to predict counters because of this, because blows coming from every direction. Guards like to be in groups circling you like prey.
- Did about 7 counters in the whole time I played it (remember, 4 MINUTES).
Heres My Response from that thread, after everyone seemed almost too satisfied:
From what you just said I'm really not all that impressed by the way the controls work, it really sounds like what I feared most, a step away from being an interactive movie intertwined with Prince of Persia ****gameplay (a game that I never really liked, after two blind buys).
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