Sooo Far Cry Primal is actually happening. Initially I thought it's just a stand alone expansion like Blood Dragon, but nope; it an actual major game of the series. I'm a big fan of Far Cry 3 (not so much of 4) so I checked some game walkthroughs and these are the major things I noticed in the game.
1. Not truly 'Primal': If developers are trying to distant themselves from the rest of the series and make a more primitive style game, they should go through it the whole way; the fact that they are still using the modern looking UI really grabs you away from the experience. I wish they would have used more ancient style interfaces that goes along with game. For example it would have been a neat touch if instead of going to the map interface, the character take out a hand drawn map on a cloth made by animal skin and whenever we select a place to go, he marks the spot. And when he goes to a high point to reveal the map (which doesn't have to be the same old towers and instead be more diverse like a mountain or a tall tree) it shows how he draw the new found lands. That will add more to his character as an explorer and make the game distant from predecessors.
2. The new game features are either not developed enough or just downright stupid: The biggest new feature of this game is Animal Companions and while that's an interesting idea, taming prehistoric animals seems to be as engaging as cutting a herb plant. You just click a few buttons and the wild ferocious animal becomes your pet. It could have been developed to make the taming and controlling more complex and in turn, make each animal special and unique instead of just being another thing to add into the inventory.
And of cause there's that 'scanning' for enemies in perimeter using an owl.....I'm not even going go there.
3. Reskin: Here's Ubisoft at it's finest; Creating something new and fresh, and then hold on to it for the rest of their lives sucking it dry. When the animal companions and stick weapons are taken off, the game setting is the same old thing, the animations are the same, the whole enviornment and it's residents are a literal reskin of predecessors. This may not be an annualized game (though I feel it soon will be), I see more improvement and diversity in each Assassin's Creed than what's in this one. Hell, Blood Dragon had more changes than this; And that was a damn stand-alone expansion!
The only bright point that's worth praising is that they are using an older language for the character dialogues. I thought that was a good step forward
These are of cause just observations I made by watching walkthroughs, I'm not trying to judge the game before it's release.....Nah this is a pretty clear judgement before the game's release. :p What do you guys think about this one?
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