Conker's Bad Fur Day - Definitely one of my favourite games of all time, loved the gameplay, the humour, the film pastiches.
Blast Corps - One of the most tense games of that generation, great idea for a game, original
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Fun game, more in-depth than the original, and glorious presentation (love Stickerbush Symphony)
Perfect Dark - Masses of fantastic multiplayer options, loved the sniper rifle sections too
Banjo Tooie - Prefer it to the original as its funnier and even slightly risqué at times, the game is very ambitious too.
Battletoads - Loads of over the top fun, its fairly difficult but really rewarding, and the speederbike section was always exhilarating as hell.
Battletoads Arcade Game - Funny game, shame it never got a console port
RC-Pro Am 2 - the closest you could get to 4-player Mario Kart on the NES
Snake Rattle N' Roll - Hard game (like all RARE's NES titles) but interesting and fun for 2-player
Jetpac - Along with Cookie this was one of the 1st generation of Spectrum games which rivalled the best 2600 games of the time.
Cookie - One of my favourites of their Spectrum games, its simple but addictive and requires a lot of skill.
Knight Lore - One of the 1st games where you really felt that you were exploring a proper environment, clever gameplay mechanics for the time. Its a little hard to play these days due to the inconsistent speeds though unfortunately
There's lots of others that I like, but never really fell in love with Diddy Kong Racing (Multiplayer was never as good as Mario Kart, single player was cool though), Pssst (its a little too finicky for its own good), Donkey Kong 64 (the pacing holds the game back), Underwurlde (its ambitious, but controls like crap), Killer Instinct (Very respectable fighter, I just never got into it), Sabrewulf (the map is too big and unfocussed for a game without a save option), Goldeneye (great game but I missed it during its heyday and Ive never been a fan of post Roger Moore James Bonds or spy adventures in general), Banjo Kazooie (felt a bit like a rehash of Mario 64 in some ways, Tooie is waay better and has masses more personality)
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