(Ripped directly from Gaf. :P)
Personally, I'm partial to Halo: Combat Evolved's opening cut-scene and I think Oblivion's intro with Patrick Stewart's voice-work is pretty memorable as well.
So, what are some of your favorite video-game intros?
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The "tales of" series teds to have nice intros.
I also like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia's, and Donkey Kong Country's was pretty sweet.
In no particular order:
I have quite a few that I've really enjoyed but right now I'd say I'm totally hooked on Street Fighter IV's. I love the look of it and the music in it is quite catchy and very cool.
Not really the intro, but the first mission of Call of Duty 2's American campaign was amazing.
Call of Duty 2 American Campaign D-Day mission
I liked the Mario Power Tennis and MarioGolf: Toadstool tour(GC) intros. I,d like more the Smash bros Brawl intro if every secret characters apeared, man. Fortunately, there are a lot ofscenes in the adventure mode, man.
It's also the greatest CG cutscene period IMO The great Donnie Yen(who just got done doing a movie where he plays Bruce Lee's master and will do a sequel soon) did an incredible job at that cutscene's fight choreography. I'm going to rewatch right now! Onimusha 3 Intro (High Quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WdvfQFgFykOnimusha 3's opening scene is one of the best I've seen.
The intro from FF8jaredcsimpsonI love that one too. Possibly my 2nd favorite one and EASILY my most watched one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upcRj4e6vdI
bah you lazy lazy people.
At least post a link to youtube so we know what you guys are talking about.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qRJDv5UcRc -> Freespace 1 (never fail to give me the shivers like the first time i watched it, brilliant brilliant space combat game)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khIWdolT9xY&feature=related -> Freespace 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X3GD0UnBCk -> Mechwarrior 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at9hxU864Fg -> Mechwarrior 2 : Mercenaries
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxfKZZ4RNng -> Mechwarrior 4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_KlINBUYc4&feature=related -> Warhammer : Mark of Chaos
(Ripped directly from Gaf. :P)
Personally, I'm partial to Halo: Combat Evolved's opening cut-scene and I think Oblivion's intro with Patrick Stewart's voice-work is pretty memorable as well.
So, what are some of your favorite video-game intros?
Man anything with Patrick Stewart's voice is just plain sexy. My personal favorite intro is from Vagrant Story. Anyone who has played Vagrant Story will agree that the intro was epic. Everything about the intro is just perfect, in my opinion. Here it is.
Reunion is number one and Icewind Dale comes second. :) Fallout 2 is third.
Reunion is a very old space strategy game, really one of it's kind. I used to play it so much as a kid! It was freaking hard, too.
The intro was so epic, so awesome.....I would buy that game again just for the intro. The voice of the dude doesn't really compare to Patrick Stewart or Ron "fukmothering" Perlman.
Reunion intro
Dunno why it's in so many parts.....kinda spoils the glory.
Do 'ya mean a video? Half Life 2 and God Of War 1 then. As for the best first level, I'd say Half Life 2, God Of War 1, and cod4. Assassins Creed had an interesting one as well.
YouTube is your friend people... In any case, there is only one correct answer:
Katamari Damacy
I second this. We Love Katamari had a good one too. :lol:
I third this. Me and My katamari has a good one too.
I really liked the Breath of Fire IV intro I really liked the tune and this game was the first good RPG I ever played (sorry but pokemon blue doesn't go into my good RPG list =p)
Hands down Kingdom Hearts 2
Anyone who hasn't seen it should check it out.
Super Smash Bros Melee was definitely very awesome, I've seen it hundreds of times and still not sick of it. Final Fantasy VIII was a piece of art, the gunblade battle between Seifer and Squall to that theme song; absolutely epic. Chrono Cross had a very beautiful and relaxing opening.metroid_dragon
Oh yes, FFVIII's intro was just pure brilliance. I remember right before the game came out, I was watching the intro on one of the TV sets in EB Games and wa immediately blown away by the way everything was presented; the score, artistic use of the camera angles, the setting....everything.
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