Geeze what is it with so many games (and movies) having female protagonists? There are quite a few games I might have purchased and enjoyed had I not been denied the option of choosing a male character.
@dantaris: I know right, I've been dealing with this nonsense my whole life!!! Just look at all the rubbish games from even the 80s/90s with horrible female protagonist, Metriod, Phantasy Star, Tomb Raider, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, this needs to stop now!!! I can't even remember the last time a game had a male protagonist!!!
Unless you're being sarcastic, there's more than enough games with a male protagonist. The female protagonist trend is still playing catch up.
Okay, first of all: There have ALWAYS been a lot of female protagonists. Many in genres you don't even know exist. There is a whole market of "find" games with fantastically written female protagonists who explore many aspect, including complicated mother-daughter relationships. Same goes for some genres like JRPGs or indie titles. What did change however is big AAA companies accepting a female lead in their games.
If female protagonists bother you that much you have the option of not buying the particular game or watching the movie.
Additionally having a male protagonist doesn't automatically guarantee you will enjoy a title. You just prefer male protagonists.
We live in an age where there is more than enough variety.
@dantaris: Some stories are better expressed through the perspective of a female protagonist. For eg : Remember Me, Beyond Good and Evil, Transistor, Okami etc.
Eh, didn't really notice and didn't care. I always choose female protagonist when I have the choice anyway, due to aesthetic and personal tradition reasons. Still, I've also played and enjoyed plenty of games with male protagonists, and have never complained when I didn't the option to do otherwise.
They're just games.
Tbh the male/female protagonist ratio is probably around 80/20. I myself have no problem with a female protagonist especially when it's done right like Nier Automata, The Resident Evil Series, Tales of Berseria, FFXIII(Fight Me!), and also movies like Salt, Lucy, Ghost in the Shell etc. I don't get it. What impact does the main character's gender have on your overall gaming experience? Sounds like a bad case of judging a book by it's cover lol
just going to assume this is a joke thread.
anyway, I like female protagonists. My family has been filled with strong women, positive female role models.
In games they tend to be better written than male protagonists, who tend to be a bit one-dimensional action-movie type. As someone who was raised on those 80's and 90's action movies where the man is the hero and the woman needs rescuing, a female protagonist is also still a novelty to me and thus entertaining (I know that's not 100% appropriate, but I don't mean it in a condescending sense, I mean simply that is is refreshing). I don't see it as politically correct unless done to an extreme.
To this day I don't think I've played a male Commander Shepard, always FemShep.
Tbh the male/female protagonist ratio is probably around 80/20.I myself have no problem with a female protagonist especially when it's done right like Nier Automata, The Resident Evil Series, Tales of Berseria, FFXIII(Fight Me!), and also movies like Salt, Lucy, Ghost in the Shell etc. I don't get it. What impact does the main character's gender have on your overall gaming experience? Sounds like a bad case of judging a book by it's cover lol
Exactly, we have a long way to go before I think anyone should be "sick of seeing female protagonists".
And as you said in the resto f your post, it's all about whether or not it is done right.
Salt was a badass movie, btw.
I know right? It's like there aren't enough games with male protagonists.
We demand disproportionate representation! We are the 49.2%! *sings* We shall overcome!
Geeze what is it with so many games (and movies) having female protagonists? There are quite a few games I might have purchased and enjoyed had I not been denied the option of choosing a male character.
It´s the new black. Right now the developers try to please feminists movements in the US.
So they make female protagonists in everything,
I can't wait for the day that there's a straight white male in the leading role of a film or game. We're a long way off that but it will be a huge step towards equality when it happens.
I can't wait for the day that there's a straight white male in the leading role of a film or game. We're a long way off that but it will be a huge step towards equality when it happens.
You should go on the road with that act.
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