So it's that time again and the most enduring battle in all gaming is back. I've had a lot of time with both these games and thought I'd make a number of comparisons. Right off the bat, I'm going to say that I would NOT RECOMMEND buying either if you have the last entry for PES or any of the last 4 entries of FIFA.
However, if there is someone on the fence with regards to buying one of these, then hopefully this helps you make up your mind.
Game Engine - Tie
Facial likeness - In all honesty, FIFA wins this one hands down. A football game has finally hit the heights of Fight Night Champions and/or the recent MLB update. Skin, hair, kits, textures, everything is as good as it's ever been. It's all helped along by beautiful lighting which really gives the players and referees an added sense of realism. PES is by no means bad but it just looks a bit flat, the players looking more like mannequins than ever before.
Animation - This battle isn't so one-sided but it goes to PES. FIFA has a weird, jerky movement to it's players, who almost seem to bounce across the pitch. PES 17 isn't as smooth or realistic in movement as last year's edition (why is that???) but it's better than EAs offering. Turns look smother and play out faster while tackles have a bit more physicality to them.
Ball Physics - You'd think a game all about kicking balls would have this down to a tee but sadly, both developers are guilty of some genuine weirdness. FIFA 12 had the best, most realistic ball movement I've seen in a football game but with EA slowing down the pace of their gameplay, the ball moves in a stop, start manner. With PES, there's always been a similar issue, especially when you watch the replays and at times, the ball just glides through the air with, completely at odds with reality. A pathetic tie.
Presentation - Winner: FIFA
Ok, so FIFA wins this hands, it's not even a competition. In it's heyday, you could make excuses for PES's lack of team licenses, stadiums, players and just general lack of real world presentation but in recent years, with how far sports games have come, it's no longer an excuse to be like this. In fact, it's plain lazy. Can't afford a license? Fair enough but then, at least put together better player kits rather than the orange and blue that seems to be thrown together (wtf) and every kit having the same damn stripes...again, wtf? How lazy can one team be.
FIFA on the other hand is a juggernaut in this category. Every game looks like it is being presented by Sky, the transfer deadline day is actually fun, commentary is better and (surprise) not so repetitive. PES literally recycled 99% of everything from last year when it comes to the men in the box. The Master League menu has been improved but it's still just as static and just as...stupid? Yeah, that's the right word. It's still a hassle just to see your entire calendar, something so simple should not be so obtuse.
I know I'm shitting all over PES in this section but they deserve it. It's 2016 not 2002.
Gameplay - Pick your poison
So, the most important category of all and it's the toughest one to judge. As with last year, FIFA is better on the defensive front whereas PES is a supreme attacking game with better passing, although that smoothness is nowhere near as good as PES 2016. Much like FIFA, the players seem to be heavier, slower and lesss receptive to quick passing. EAs game has gone full "let's slow everything down to a crawl" but Konami's still maintains a sense of pace. I like that.
Having said that, with PES, it seems like we have time traveled back to 1998-2006 era of FIFA games where you can get your player, at an angel, just at the edge of the box and power a shot into goal. EVERY DAMN TIME. No matter the difficulty. It really is that easy. There were similar complaints about that last year and we were told that it was down to simplistic goal AI. Supposedly that's been improvement, however I haven't seen the improvement. Marketing speech?
With regards to FIFA, it's a more measured approach bordering on being too slow and too...boring. I know, that's a bad word for any game. Players seem to move and receive balls at a snails pace and everything gets clogged up in midfield. Where's the beautiful game? It's like watching an Italian side from the 90s. However, to their credit, you can, with patience, put together intricate moves resulting in much more satisfying goals than PES.
So, I guess it boils down to, what you prefer. Fast, attacking football or a slower, more defensive game that isn't as attractive. I personally pick the former, just.
Bang for your Buck - Winner: FIFA
Now, there's one big addition The Journey and it's a lot of fun. The story is predictable but handled well and the objectives presented throughout each match had a new dynamic to everything and shows EA really did try this year in giving us a different experience. For the addition of The Journey, a brand new mode, I gotta give this section to FIFA. There's just so much more to do in EAs game then on PES.
I know this is a big point for a lot of gamers. I haven't had a chance to play much of either so can't give a genuine opinion just yet. Having said that, from what I've read elsewhere, there doesn't seem to be much of a change on either side. FIFA has the better match making from what I remember.
So there you go folks. Both are subpar sports/football games with better iterations in the past but if you want graphical updates, team updates, play the latest version of the card games and continue online, then you might wana buy one of them. I'd say FIFA edges it just because of the overall package but if you can do without the teams, players, presentation and modes, then you could easily go for PES. Just be warned, you will be annoyed.
Overall Winner - FIFA
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