Well, it is that time of year and considering my thread last year stirred up a hornet's nest I thought I would blog my thoughts this time. I have been playing both games for a while now and unlike reviewers and official sites, I don't really have a bias so hey, tune in for the best, unbiased, only true, 100% irrefutable opinions on the two biggest football games out there.
As before, the two games will be compared across the following categories: Graphics/Presentation, Commentary, Content and Gameplay. Please note I will not be comparing the online component.
As was the case last year, Fifa wins this hands down and honestly, it isn't even competitive. As far as PES has come over the years, it can not match Fifa in terms of facial likenesses, pitch textures and ultimately, lighting. It is the latter which brings the matches alive in EA's sim, as it warmly basks upon skin and sparkles upon sweat. I said that last year's edition brought the football genre on par with American sport sims, this year, Fifa 18 surpasses them. It really is a gorgeous game. PES is by no means ugly, in fact, it looks terrific and is more vibrant than ever before but it just can not match what EA have done. The grass is flatter, the skin does not have as realistic a texture and facial likeness often look off. Like wax work models put together in a rush. The crowd is as flat as ever, while Fifa has made certain upgrades, resulting in celebrations where you can join in with the fans. It's little tweaks such as this that propel Fifa 18 to greater heights.
The presentation also shows Konami's short comings. The usual, blocky menus are back, the lifeless Master League presentation is almost untouched and scrolling through team management reminds me of something from the PS2 era. That isn't neceassrily a bad thing but with the presentation possible in modern sports games, from NBA to Fifa it just seems lazy. EA's game on the other hand is polished and the biggest and possibly best change comes in the career/manager mode. Transfers have been completely revamped and now include fully animated/in-engine cut scenes. This is some what of a game changer. Gone aret he boring text screens and this hands a lot of nuances, where you can discuss matters with managers and agents. PES seems to be stuck a generation behind yet again. Text screens for negotiations...and nothing has changed from last year. Theres still the quick options for transfers or loan deals and you can list the players. The weirdest aspect, which seems to have been around from last gen, is that players are seriously underpriced and even the biggest clubs have tiny wage budgets. Have the developers even been watching the modern game?
Winner - Fifa 18 by some distance
Well, this is a bit of a tricky one. PES has the serviceable duo Drury and Beglin, while Fifa has a team of commentators and pitch side reporters, including changes to international commentary with the pair of Tylsdesly and Townsend (As opposed to Tyler and Smith on club games). EA once again provides the better package, while PES wins some points for retaining its "updates" during Master League games. Theer was a great comeback last match? It might get mentioned. Tactical changes? You bet they'll talk about it. This is a pretty tough one to decide but with the variety on offer in Fifa and the overall quality of teh recording/lines used, once again, we have a comfortable winner.
Winner - Fifa 18
Oh boy, this is a big one. PES 2018 has the returning Master League, the return of the long missed random selection matches and the usual exhibition stuff. Random selection is a lot of fun, pick a league, pick a team and you get a mix and match of players. This is sheer gaming fun, silly, arcadey and just what we need. Master League is as good a blend of football and management as PES has always had but, as stated previously, it just feels old. Not much has changed here. The central screen is still pretty similar to what was present two years ag, seasonal stories play out, theres a new signing cut scene etc etc. Pre season tournaments have helped to stave off the boredom as the clander progresses from one season to the next and as usual, international breaks can have you managing teams in continental and world tournaments. It's a solid, refined package but with all the missing licenses, there is a massive problem.
That problem starts with something that has been noticeable since the arrival of the PS3/360 generation: Konami are lazy. Theer are less than 40 stadiums in total, yes that is inlcuding both licensed and unlicensed locations. Now, we can't be too harsh on a ocmpany that has to go up against EA in terms of money but surely Konami has the man power to build a few more arenas right? Fifa has almost twice as many stadiums, with 30 unlicensed venues to play at. Yes, that's right, EA have just as many original locations as PES has combined. That makes matters worse as you progress through season after season of Master League. On top of all that, there is a steady decline in licensed teams with this version no longer featuring a licensed La Liga (PES 2016 had it). Fifa on the other hand has just about everything and everyone. Again, Konami can't be blames for its lack of financial clout but it can be labeled lazy when it comes to absolutely terrible kit design. Some unlicensed teams simply have one colour as the main and a second colour as a line. That's it. People who pay hard earned money for this game shouldn't have to download community created content that is better than what a developed with millions of dollars has done over a period of at least 9 or 10 months.
Fifa's game modes are all here and they have all been beefed up. The Journey is slightly better than last year with more important decisions and a greater number of recorded lines. Sadly however, it is a mere distratcion from the beefy, all encompassing career mode. Leagues from all over the world are present, players too. Everything shines and gleams. Fifa show sit off like a trophy.
Winner - Fifa 18 and it wipes the floor with PES
Now this is likely the most important section for most fans. Last yera it was a lcosely fought battle and we have another one this season. PES offers a fluid defensive system, with team mate pressure, back tracking and tackling all handled better than Fifa. The latter however feels more natural, the game is more tactical in attack and the genuine whip and pace that you can obtain on crosses adds depths to offensive games that PES just can not match. There is another problem with Konami's game and it is almost a game breaker - it feels like you're playing fooseball. The ball pings from player to player, animations are jerky and twitchy, like every player is on acid. In fact, at times it feels too fast, with little time to breath, press forward in a thoughtful manner or change tactics. Contrary to what I've been reading, PES feels like an arcade-y rip off of the beautiful.
Don't get me wrong, it is a lot of fun, especially against an equally skilled friend but it has none of the patience or depth of Fifa. In fact, EAs game now adds quick subs, which can be managed pre-game and changed in game. It's a small but nuanced addition. You want to set up a mid field maestro as one of your super subs, to always come on during the 75th minute? Well you can...but if things don't go your way, a quick flick of R2 and you change who you want to bring on. Fifa's animations are also superior and players actually move like human beings rather than ping pong balls. Sadly, defence is slow and at times, unresponsive, with players not closing down as quickly as they do on PES, making many of the moves feel uneven. It seems to be a game built around the idea of quick and accessible counter attacks. Yet it stil holds up better as a game of football than whatever PES aims to play.
Winner - Fifa 18
Closing Thoughts
EA pulled away from Konami's series last generation and yet, the Japanese developerr seemed to have mounted somewhat of a comeback with PES 2016 and its superior gameplay (even if it lacked in licenses). However, with a new engine and improved gameplay, Fifa 17 closed the gap. This year, it blows the sub par, lazy money grab of PES straight out of the water.
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