I need some input from people that have beaten Ruby Weapon. What are some good Materia combinations? I have all the materia, all lvl 99s, 9999 hp 999 mp. I just need to know a good strat to kill him and good materia combos.
So go into the fight with everyone dead except Cloud? Go in, cast Big Guard, then Cast W-Summon Bahamut Zero to prevent tentacles from going behind me, then W-Summon Knights of the Round with lots of MP Plus, MP absorb and HP absorb equipped, then spam Mime?
Mhhhhh......Well, you could try the Mime - W-Summon with Knights of the round. I dont like the strategy of letting all your Characters die. You can find lots of cheats on YouTube, but they are not worth it. Go for a real fight!
I did a W-summon of Hades followed by a Knights of the Round. Hades always casted stop on Ruby (so it doesn't do a thing) and Knights for damage. After one person casts this combo, everyone else following just 'Mimic' over and over until dead.
Hey, does anyone know if I can pair Knights of the round with W-Summon and on the same exact weapon pair it again with MP Absorb and both will take effect on a single cast?
basically, W-Summon with KOTR and HADES and you can't really lose. Go into battle with everyone dead except cloud so he doesn't remove anyone from battle...
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