Final Fantasy Theory

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#1 chaosclown17
Member since 2010 • 307 Posts

I have this theory, I call it a Final Fantasy Theory. All though it doesn't pertain completely to Final Fantasy, it can be true for any other series or even genre. However, I need help seeing if this theory is real.

Basically my theory is this, "Your first Final Fantasy game is your favorite". So I want you to tell me, does this theory hold true for you?

Personally this theory is only half true for me. Technically my first Final Fantasy game was X. So,according to my theory X would have to be my favorite, right? Well not really, see I was very young when I first played X, still at the age where I picked out games from how cool there covers are. So at this age I couldn't really experience the genius that was a game like this. I played the great Suikoden II around this time and wasn't that in to it for reference.

So, with that being said I have always considered my first and favorite to be IV for the GBA. I remember seeing some of the art for it when it was first coming out and thought, "weird". However, after some time I saw it at a second hand game shop for a criminally low price of 10$. I was past the stage of buying based on cover, lucky too considering this was just the cartridge. But sometimes lesser instinct calls, I had heard the name Final Fantasy a lot recently and decided to look into it. Perfect opportunity.

Well the rest is history, I consider one of my top 15 games, my favorites of the Final Fantasy series. For the record I now own I-II-III-IV-V-VI-X. I also own Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and War of the Lions, and I even purchased the Final Fantasy IV the Complete Collection. One of the best games on the PSP hands down. I plan to pick up the others off the PlayStation Network soon. Excluding all those after X-2.

You want to know what the really strange thing is, I have never actually beaten it. I have went up against the final boss once and got crushed, nothing some grinding won't fix. However, I have played this game so many times I could recite the script by heart. I hardly ever finish any of my favorite games,weird I know. But I guess that is another theory for another time.

Thanks in advance.

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#2 MonkeySpot
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Well, I started with the first game back before the dawn of time, when most folks on this site were but a scratch in their pappie's pants... But I prefer FFVIII over most-all of the games.


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#3 chaosclown17
Member since 2010 • 307 Posts

Well, I started with the first game back before the dawn of time, when most folks on this site were but a scratch in their pappie's pants... But I prefer FFVIII over most-all of the games.



Glad to see a VIII fan on here. VIII has always seemed like the Tyrion Lannister of the Final Fantasy family in my opinion. Great but never much respected. Unfortunately I haven't played it, my brother owned the PS1 and wasn't fond of sharing. Especially with games like Final Fantasy which he detests to this day. Dude won't even give it a try.

That being said was FFI your first RPG? If it was what was it like?

I remember reading that Japanese executives were afraid to bring games like that over because they thought American audiences weren't intelligent enough for them.

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#4 dagreenfish
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My first Final Fantasy game was the original on the NES. But my favorite is 7 followed closely by 6.
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#5 chaosclown17
Member since 2010 • 307 Posts

My first Final Fantasy game was the original on the NES. But my favorite is 7 followed closely by 6.dagreenfish
Guess my theory is so far showing to be inaccurate. Makes sense, I was always one the more nostalgic types.

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#6 deactivated-594be627b82ba
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well FF 7 is my first, it's my favourite one with FF9

I can't say the same for every series I played.

I find that it's pretty rare that I like the first one I played more than the sequels

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#7 NaveedLife
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MGS4 is my favorite (played them in order 3 years ago)

Uncharted 2 is my favorite (played them in order 3 years ago)

NFSU2 is my favorite (played NFSU before it and other NFS games before it)

BF3 is my favorite (played BF2142 and BFBC2 before it)

Baten Kaitos Origins is my favorite (played BK1 before it)

Mario kart 7 is my favorite )played all of them before it)

Portal 2 is my favorite (played Portal before it)

So obviously it is NOT always true. BUT of course people would say OoT being my favorite is about Nostalgia. No it is because it is the best one to date! :P

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#8 BarbaricAvatar
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FF7 was my first and i hated it. I also tried FF10-2 and FF12, i didn't like those either.

But if i had to pick a favourite of the three i'd say FF12 simply because i had fun for about 4 hours before i got bored with the "i'll do it for you" battle system (that most JRPG's have).

Does theory also apply to non-fans of the series? :)

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#9 PapaJuliio17
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Well it works for me at least WRT Final Fantasy: I play X first and it's my favourite game of all time.

I much preferred AC2 to AC1 though. Playing back over AC1 I can appreciate it alot more than I did during my first playthrough, but I've still gotten far more fun out of AC2.

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#10 Dudersaper
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My first was Final Fantasy on the NES. My favourite was XII.
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#11 MonkeySpot
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I guess you gotta dig where I was coming from to understand where I went, in a way... A lot of my friends (and myself) were coming from the OG RPG, "Dungeons & Dragons". To see it computerized was our thing; To have a computer be the Dungeon Master and do all the work and/or to be able to play an RPG on our own when a group wasn't available - To that end, we played stuff on our IBM 286s, Atari 800s, or Apple IIs... like "Oubliette", "Ultima", and "Wizardry"... It was a very different time. Then a colorful turn-based RPG like FF on the NES, it was a head-spinner.

I think I eventually liked stuff like FFVIII because it began to show some of the same "depths" as the table games we played in the 1980s. Seeing a game that "mature" in the FF series (screw FFVII, it's fanboy trash in my mind - I know that's not a popular view, so *Flame Shields UP*). FFVIII-FFIX lost a lot of the "kiddie" trappings... Not ALL, of course, but a LOT.


It was still unapologetically Japanese, of course. And I respect that. I respect ALL FF games, just not a lot of the FANS, anymore... Like the music of The Grateful Dead, or Phish: LOVE the music, HATE the fans. I'm probably one of the few guys back in the day who listened to Fear, The Sex Pistols, AND the Grateful Dead, and my gaming went the same way. I was playing stuff like "Splatterhouse" AND "Final Fantasy"... I try to remain as diverse as possible in all things...

... Or perhaps I'm simply screwed up, I dunno.


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#12 rilpas
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not true my first final fantasy was Final Fantasy 8 I really loved at the time because it was the first time I actually devoted time to a JRPG but now, It's actually one of my least favourite after that I played 9, 10, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 in that order to this day 6 is still my favourite
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#13 JML897
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X was my first Final Fantasy (I was an N64 kid in the PS1 generation) and it's also my favorite game of all-time
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#14 RahXephon101
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Final Fantasy VII was my first, game is my favourite. I think your theory is pretty interesting TC. My little brother's first FF game was X and it is his favourite. He tried VII and thought is was only okay.

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#15 z4twenny
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nope, i've played them all in order of release at the time of release (in exception of 3 & 5) and i still have to say i think 7 is my favorite with 4 & 6 being close follow ups for second place and 1 & 3 tied for third.

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#16 chaosclown17
Member since 2010 • 307 Posts

All right everybody thanks for the feedback. I guess my theory is wrong:oops: Still it holds true for a few people so there might be something to it. Back to the drawing board for that.

On a side note, am I the only IV lover here? You guys are going to break my heart lol.

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#17 chaosclown17
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I guess you gotta dig where I was coming from to understand where I went, in a way... A lot of my friends (and myself) were coming from the OG RPG, "Dungeons & Dragons". To see it computerized was our thing; To have a computer be the Dungeon Master and do all the work and/or to be able to play an RPG on our own when a group wasn't available - To that end, we played stuff on our IBM 286s, Atari 800s, or Apple IIs... like "Oubliette", "Ultima", and "Wizardry"... It was a very different time. Then a colorful turn-based RPG like FF on the NES, it was a head-spinner.

I think I eventually liked stuff like FFVIII because it began to show some of the same "depths" as the table games we played in the 1980s. Seeing a game that "mature" in the FF series (screw FFVII, it's fanboy trash in my mind - I know that's not a popular view, so *Flame Shields UP*). FFVIII-FFIX lost a lot of the "kiddie" trappings... Not ALL, of course, but a LOT.


It was still unapologetically Japanese, of course. And I respect that. I respect ALL FF games, just not a lot of the FANS, anymore... Like the music of The Grateful Dead, or Phish: LOVE the music, HATE the fans. I'm probably one of the few guys back in the day who listened to Fear, The Sex Pistols, AND the Grateful Dead, and my gaming went the same way. I was playing stuff like "Splatterhouse" AND "Final Fantasy"... I try to remain as diverse as possible in all things...

... Or perhaps I'm simply screwed up, I dunno.



Dungeons and Dragons, dang you are old school. I've got more games on the Virtual Console than I do for the Wii itself and I think I am old school. Then you start learning about games like Ultima and you realize there is a whole different level. I read about some of the Ultimas on a site called Rock Paper Shotgun, it is a computer gaming site. One of the writers was talking about how an Ultima game was truly the first game to immerse him, sounded actually kind of advanced at the time. I guess when I finally pick up my gaming computer I will give the series a try, along with Balrdur's Gate, I hear that is great.

I always thought that two was pretty deep, the ability to dictate your characters abilities by the weapons or spells they used. That had to be revolutionary for the time. I always wish I would have seen that more in JRPGS.

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#18 rilpas
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I guess you gotta dig where I was coming from to understand where I went, in a way... A lot of my friends (and myself) were coming from the OG RPG, "Dungeons & Dragons". To see it computerized was our thing; To have a computer be the Dungeon Master and do all the work and/or to be able to play an RPG on our own when a group wasn't available - To that end, we played stuff on our IBM 286s, Atari 800s, or Apple IIs... like "Oubliette", "Ultima", and "Wizardry"... It was a very different time. Then a colorful turn-based RPG like FF on the NES, it was a head-spinner.

I think I eventually liked stuff like FFVIII because it began to show some of the same "depths" as the table games we played in the 1980s. Seeing a game that "mature" in the FF series (screw FFVII, it's fanboy trash in my mind - I know that's not a popular view, so *Flame Shields UP*). FFVIII-FFIX lost a lot of the "kiddie" trappings... Not ALL, of course, but a LOT.


It was still unapologetically Japanese, of course. And I respect that. I respect ALL FF games, just not a lot of the FANS, anymore... Like the music of The Grateful Dead, or Phish: LOVE the music, HATE the fans. I'm probably one of the few guys back in the day who listened to Fear, The Sex Pistols, AND the Grateful Dead, and my gaming went the same way. I was playing stuff like "Splatterhouse" AND "Final Fantasy"... I try to remain as diverse as possible in all things...

... Or perhaps I'm simply screwed up, I dunno.



Dungeons and Dragons, dang you are old school. I've got more games on the Virtual Console than I do for the Wii itself and I think I am old school. Then you start learning about games like Ultima and you realize there is a whole different level. I read about some of the Ultimas on a site called Rock Paper Shotgun, it is a computer gaming site. One of the writers was talking about how an Ultima game was truly the first game to immerse him, sounded actually kind of advanced at the time. I guess when I finally pick up my gaming computer I will give the series a try, along with Balrdur's Gate, I hear that is great.

I always thought that two was pretty deep, the ability to dictate your characters abilities by the weapons or spells they used. That had to be revolutionary for the time. I always wish I would have seen that more in JRPGS.

careful though, the Ultima games are not very user friendly

the games expect you to read all of the manuals before booting up the games (and each game came with over 100 pages of documentation)

personally, I'm more of a wizardry fan :P

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#19 Allicrombie
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First one I played was the original, but if I have to pick a favorite, I'm gonna go with IX. (Not a fan of VII or VIII.)
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#20 Shenmue_Jehuty
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My first and favorite was VII, and it probably always will be. Here is my top 5 FFs:

1. VII

2. X


4. IX

5. V

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#21 shinigami-uk
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Well, I started with the first game back before the dawn of time, when most folks on this site were but a scratch in their pappie's pants... But I prefer FFVIII over most-all of the games.



Glad to see a VIII fan on here. VIII has always seemed like the Tyrion Lannister of the Final Fantasy family in my opinion. Great but never much respected. Unfortunately I haven't played it, my brother owned the PS1 and wasn't fond of sharing. Especially with games like Final Fantasy which he detests to this day. Dude won't even give it a try.

That being said was FFI your first RPG? If it was what was it like?

I remember reading that Japanese executives were afraid to bring games like that over because they thought American audiences weren't intelligent enough for them.

VIII is my favourite, but thats probably because i was around 13 when I played that game. I do understand most peoples complaints though, it was definitely the most easiest game. It was even easier if you understood the mechanics of the battle system, I basically did 1 hour of grinding at the beginning and then the whole game was too easy. having my level 7 characters defeat level 99 enemies just didn't make any sense tbh. XII was also another game that was easily broken. About an hour of power leveling at the beginning and picking up all the strongest weapons early on in the game just made every enemy die too early. However, VIII & XII are my two favourite FF ever. I have yet to play I, II, IX & XIV
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#22 JML897
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All right everybody thanks for the feedback. I guess my theory is wrong:oops:


Your theory might not be completely right, but I don't think it's 100% wrong either. I have seen a lot of people in the past show preference towards the first FF game they've played.

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#23 spike6958
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VII was my first Final Fantasy, and for a long time was my favorite. But in recent years I've grown a special fondness for IX and I would probably say that is now my favorite in the series and VI has taken 2nd place, knocking VII into 3rd.
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#24 rilpas
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All right everybody thanks for the feedback. I guess my theory is wrong:oops:


Your theory might not be completely right, but I don't think it's 100% wrong either. I have seen a lot of people in the past show preference towards the first FF game they've played.

the rule just needs to be edited a bit, 'there's a 40% chance you favorite final fantasy is the first one you played'

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#25 simomate
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The first one I played was final fantasy VIII but VII is my favourite. I mean, I like VIII but the junction system and levelling system can both be very easily abused to assure the game requires no effort. Level scaling ruins any RPG for me
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#26 Blueresident87
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Doesn't hold true for me at all.

First game I played was Final Fantasy on the NES...not my favorite.

Eventually I played Final Fantasy III(VI)...easily my favorite.

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#27 Seabas989
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My first expereince with FF was FFX but IX was the first I played and beat and it's my favorite.

I've played all of them except the first 3, the sequels and the MMOs.

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#28 Bubble_Man
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The first Final Fantasy I played was the watered-down Mystic Quest for SNES. The first real Final Fantasy I played was FFVII and it was my favorite one (and possibly my favorite game overall). On the other hand, my first venture into the Suikoden was with first game and I find the second one to be superior.

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#29 chaosclown17
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The first Final Fantasy I played was the watered-down Mystic Quest for SNES. The first real Final Fantasy I played was FFVII and it was my favorite one (and possibly my favorite game overall). On the other hand, my first venture into the Suikoden was with first game and I find the second one to be superior.


Wasn't Mystic Quest a GBC version of Secret of Mana? That might have been something along the lines of Final Fantasy Adventure though. FFII had a really interesting leveling system. I wonder why it was never implemented in future games? Three had it to a small extent you could level up weapons. I don't know about five because I haven't played much of that.

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#30 JML897
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Doesn't hold true for me at all.

First game I played was Final Fantasy on the NES...not my favorite.

Eventually I played Final Fantasy III(VI)...easily my favorite.


I'm not really sure people who started with the first Final Fantasy should count against this theory given how it's such a primitive version of what the series eventually became.

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#31 BenefitEvil
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I think there is some credence to this theory. My first FF was the original and it will always have a special place in my heart, however my favorite in the series is FF 9. Both games share a lot in common namely the settings, the themes, and the character types. Some could argue that FF 9 is an updated version of the original and perhaps the reason FF 9 is my favorite is because it shares so much with FF 1 my first experience with the Final Fantasy series.
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#32 Samslayer
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Yeah that would be pretty accurate for me. Final Fantasy VII was my first real FF. I plated the original way back on the NES when I was really young because I thought the box was cool, and I rented it. Well, that did not work out so it sort of soured my taste for Final Fantasies until FFVII. I have grown to really appreciate the original in its own right now as I have gotten older. It just did not meet my fancy when I was 4...:)

I think FFVII is the most nostalgic for me; however, I think I had the most fun overall in FFX.