In my view, it's several things. One, it's got a large cast of characters with individual unique abilities and attributes. Each one has a history and their own reasons for joining your party.
Two, the main villian is truely despiseable. Not just with how his personality is like, but also the numerous things you witness him do throughout the game. There are very few RPG villians I hate more than this one.
Three, this is kind of small spoiler for the game, so I'll use a spoiler tag. [spoiler] This villian actually really screws up the entire world. He actually almosts accomplishes his main goal; unlike other RPGs where you stop the villian before he/she actually does anything substantial. [/spoiler]
Four, the gameplay system. Outside of each character's special skills they bring into battle, you can equip one Esper to each character. Espers are like a combination of Materia and Summons in FF7. Each esper equipped can be summoned once a battle for an attack or party-assisting ability. But also, each esper has different sets of magic spells that it can teach the character it's equipped with. As a character fights with an esper, he/she slowly learns the spells that esper knows; this leads to being able to customize who learns which spells. You can give your fighters buff/debuff magic or pair their physical offence with some magic. Or if you wanted you could give your best spellcaster every single spell in the game (assuming you find every esper).
Finally, along with my previous mention of multiple characters, this leads to some dungeons that require two or three parties to traverse through. It's mainly for solving puzzles (like team A needs to hit a switch to let Team B go on, and vice versa). This really helped with breaking up some of the monotony that is inherent in RPGs (like repetitive random battles)
I'm sure I could probably type more, but this should do for now.
Edit: spoiler tag didn't work, fixed now
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