I hope that if they remake FF7, they'll actually make it a good game this time. I really wanted to like FF7 but after disc 1, playing it felt like I was punishing myself for no good reason. Cloud in a wheelchair + a poorly-handled amnesia plot device + Sephiroth not accomplishing his goal like Kefka did = a very lackluster 2nd and 3rd disc.
I never really understood the praise for VI.
I'm playing it for the first time right now, and sometimes I go weeks without playing it.
It really doesn't grab me or have an impact on me so far.
Many of the characters I don't like.
I agree actually. I didn't care for the characters either, and I too found the game pretty slow intially. But as I chugged into the later part of the game, I honestly couldn't stop playing it. Plot wise, I got to say FF6 has the better plot than ff7, it just takes forever to get to interesting.
That was my friend's excuse for XIII. :P
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