I would say X,X-2,XI and mystic were worse than XIII
Actually, X was awesome, X-2, I didn't really get to play as much, but XI was abmysal. I hated my experience with that game. And when you talk Mystic, are you talking about Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? Sorry, but that one doesn't count whatsoever. It's a side-game of the series. Same witH Final Fantasy Tactics - just a side-game in the series. Has nothing to do with the original series at all.
Tidus destroyed X for me, sorry but his constant nagging was annoying, but the fighting system was awesome in X. Mystic Quest is the one I was talking about and yea it's a side game but it still sucked lol :P.
Not sure how Tidus can destroy a game like X...maybe save for that laughing scene him and Yuna had together. Probably one of the more embarrasing moments for him, but overall, I thought he was a solid hero.
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