For those that havent seen the 40 plus minutes of footage, here it is - FINAL FANTASY XV DEMO FOOTAGE
It was hit and miss for me.
BIG ISSUE - There were no particle effects for when weapons dematerialised (i'm no graphics snob but combat looked stiff and lifeless without it), phantom swords didnt look as impressive as previously shown.
That targetting reticule was REALLY bad, like something out of an 80's action tv show.
Demo felt as though it was versus XIII crammed through an FFXIII filter. Co-op moves also didnt look too impressive, either that or they were lost in the frenzy of combat. They promised in a previous active time report that combat would be 'fully featured', but it wasnt...this came across more as an MMO or FFXII. Not the action game it is supposed to be. This could all be fleshed out in the final game however.
Love the open world, and game mechanic aspects, as well as the graphics overall.
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