I have ps4 pro and high end pc , and my target is to play the game on 60 fps ,
So should I buy it now for 35 dollars or wait for pc version ( I know there is no word about pc but square enix boss speak about pc version several time , so maybe)
I have ps4 pro and high end pc , and my target is to play the game on 60 fps ,
So should I buy it now for 35 dollars or wait for pc version ( I know there is no word about pc but square enix boss speak about pc version several time , so maybe)
@Alessandro1001: PS4 pro version when set to "lite" mode under performance really only hits 60 fps if you run around staring at the ground.
The rest of the time, it seems to jump around, but probably averages out to 40-45ish fps.
As for waiting for the PC version? Hmm that's a tough one.
I wish I knew what/if anything they were planning to add to the PC version of the game.
If it's simply going to be the same game, with better graphics, locked to 60 fps, but still has the same horrible user interface, and nothing but moronic fetch quests for side content, I'd say no, don't bother.
Thank you guys
I will wait for the future either they will release pc version with all content or PS4 versions when they release it with full dlcs
and not only that , I will not going to buy these version (pc or PS4 with full dlcs)unless they make sale
what is this obsession with 60fps? Most eyes can barely process that, jeez lol
I see no difference in playing MGS V at 60fps on my ps4 and any number of other games at half that. Stop going off of the internet hype.
Most important thing is, what do you feel most comfortable playing on? FF ia synonymous with the PS, I'd buy it on there if I ever do.
@soul_starter: Right, tho. It's really not even that deep. I'm a Final Fantasy fan. That means when they release a game I MUST play it. I don't care about reviews or framerate or any of that crap. I'll play it asap and make up my own mind about the game. I bought a whole new console just to play FFXV. It was mandatory lol
@valgaav_219: I used to be almost that big of a FF fan and then they released FF XIII and I just havent got back into the series.
@soul_starter: Yea they did drop the ball with FFXIII tbh but I still had fun with it. I enjoyed the graphics, the combat, and even the story and characters somewhat. The only thing that made me never wanna play it again was the linearity of it all. If you play it 5x it'll be the same exact experience every time. FFXV wasn't the best game either but at least it has a lot of replay value. It's a whole bunch of stuff that you can't even do until after the game is over and also the game is constantly growing and changing. It may even transition into an MMORPG eventually. Among other Final Fantasy's FFXIII was bottom tier but compared to your average RPG I don't think it was that bad. The Final Fantasy name comes with extremely high expectations.
@soul_starter: I know I'm in the minority but I would put Lightning Returns on my top 5 Final Fantasy games and FF13-2 would be pretty high on my Final Fantasy list too. It's too bad that to get to them you have to slog through 13. 13 isn't really bad, it's mediocre plagued by a lot of bad design decisions. More so than the linearity, it irked me that for most of the game I couldn't chose my party and had to use whoever the game decided. It didn't help that half the characters were annoying.
Regarding FPS, it depends on the person but most people can see the difference between 30 and 60. Personally I've found out that bellow 45, give or take, I start to notice it in a bad way. Moreover not all 30 fps games are created equal. Consistent frametimes, good use of motion blur, etc can make a big difference. Both Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne are 30 fps games but Uncharted camera and movement feels a hundred times better. Still, you get used to it. In the old days we used to play games that would constantly dip bellow 30 fps and games like Bloodborne are too good not to play cause of framerate drops.
@valgaav_219: Yeah, I gotta say, i don't think FFXIII is neecssarily a bad game but having been such a big fan of teh series and for them to turn around and basically put out graphics demo was bad. The game is gorgeous but you do nothing but move in a straight line for hours. Plus the combat system felt like a step back from XII and it still irks me that SE havent got a modern RPG with a Vagrant Story like battle system implemented. The combat has been a slow step backwards imo.
@pug987: I'm not saying you can't see the difference between 30-60, I'm saying it's not game brekaing, not by miles. On top of all that, it is nowhere near the big deal modern day PC gamers have made it out to be, especially as the graphical fidelity gap has narrowed, they feel like they need to jump on a new issue. And nowadays with a lot of poor optimisation on the PC (just as bad as i twas 15 years ago) they know that gaming on a console is likely better 7 or 8 times outta 10.
I'm saying all this as a PC gamer (mainly for FPS) but I gotta be true. Heck, I had some guy telling me he was playing games at 90-120 fps...like, the eye is not going to process that properly and when I and many others I know have upped FPS to that level, it will give you a prety damn bad headache. So its just absurd.
@soul_starter: There is most definitely a massive, noticeable difference between 60 and 30 fps. I don't know why people keep throwing around this bullshit that the eye can only see up to 30 fps everywhere.
That being said, if it's a perfectly paced 30 fps with no ups and downs, it's perfectly fine.
The problem is, most games that claim to be 30 fps, actually drop quite noticeably, sometimes even into the sub 20 fps range.
I can see a difference up to around 90 fps, anything over that, I can't really tell. And of course going from 60 -> 90 is nowhere near as drastic as going from 30 -> 60.
Also LOL @ 7 or 8 out of 10 multi-plats being better on console. The only real advantage consoles have is the odd exclusive.
wait for the PC edition because This game is still unfinished and they are adding more DLC content to it.(to complete the story) so it's better to wait for the "Complete" edition of this game.
what is this obsession with 60fps? Most eyes can barely process that, jeez lol
I see no difference in playing MGS V at 60fps on my ps4 and any number of other games at half that. Stop going off of the internet hype.
internet hype? assuming you're serious here i'd say if you can't tell the difference then you probably have some kind of vision impairment. it's not a subtle difference
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