You want to easy follow E3? Now you have a way! Use Twitter!
I found this twitter site by actually hoping that someone had made something for E3 there and they had. Twitter is actually quite easy to use. You make an account and you can follow what other people do. I'm new to twitter, so I'm not the best to explain. Hopefully someone else can do that for me.
But anyways, if you want to follow E3 through Twitter you just make an account. Then press this link, or copy it. Then you click follow on that page.
If you want to have an easier way to follow it, you can download twhirl. It's a twitter client, it follows the people you follow on twitter for you and you get notifications when someone you follow does something else or at this once, some new news from E3!
I hope this helps out some fellow gamers, and happy E3!
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