Ok i'm sure this has ben done before but what are some of your favorite video games that don't get mentioned as often as some others.
I would say Ninja Crusaders,Little Nemo the Dream Master, and Shining the Holy Ark would be my top 3.
Ninja crusaders was a nes game and it was freakin hard.It had its own cool hooks though......you could transform into different animals and a dragon.WHile that might not sound cool at the time it was very cool.The game was hard very hard because if it was not you could probably beat it in under 20 min or less.
Nemo the dream master was another nes title that was based off of the movie.Unlike most movie games at the time this one was not only fun but it was also innovative.You didn't run jump and punch you fed stuff candy and in turn you could use different powers.While it might sound boring its anything but that.The level design and all the little bells and whistles truly set this game apart from the norm and it was really fun.
Now while this is a matter of opinion some say that square is the king of jrpgs I say that sega was.The phantasy star games,the shining force series and skies of arcadia were all better than any final fantasy game of the time.Thats just my opinion though but shing the holy ark is one over looked rpg.If you like the shining series or the golden sun games then you should check this game out.You play it kinda like doom but its pure rpg at the core.The exploration was really fun and you never got lost thanks to the dungeon map that was kinda like a metroid map in that you uncovered it as you went on.The music and battles were top notch and the game itself still retains much of its charm.
So what do you think?List some games that not many people have heard of and tell us why!
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