The title is what you'll find on most American propaganda so you'll need to get used to that anyway. All in all the article is fairly pointless ranting. The reporter constantly nags about the use of sexual terms which I will admit are disturbing, but all the while seems to forget that that is all fairly negated by the fact that kids shouldn't be playing these games in the first place.
Maybe if he argued about how there needs to be stronger measures put in place to keep these games out of kids' hands there would actually be something tangible here but all we really get is complaints aimed at random subjects. There just doesn't seem to be a real underlying point here. It almost sounds as if he was made to write this article when he really didn't have much knowledge of what he wanted to complain about.
While this article does bring up some good points about the dangers of children playing M rated games there really just isn't any sort of clear argument here.
I'll have to give this aritcle a 5.5
You actually gave that thing a positive grade? Has the inflated video-game grade system done that much damage already?
Haha well the article wasn't 100% crap. Media can screw kids up. Just look at rap music... And a little kid learning about gangbanging in video games is likely to lead them to finding such terms elsewhere. One only needs to play some Halo online to figure that out. And there were some good suggestions about making it harder for little kids to get their hands on the violent stuff.
The rest of the aricle was just opinions based on horrible conclusions. I really think that someone made him write about this at the last minute.
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