I'm shocked no one has said Resident Evil yet. I know a lot of newcomers to the series love RE4 and RE5, but a lot of the older fans who were playing since the original game hate the new games. I fall into the latter group. RE4 was good, but it signaled a bad turn for the series. I play RE to be scared and enjoy a campy zombie horror story, not to run around with enough guns to arm a small militia killing mind controlled not-zombies. I haven't even played RE5 yet, which is a first for the series since I usually pick the games up on day one. When the demo came out I knew after playing through it that I wouldn't be picking up RE5 until it hit $20. The game wasn't scary at all and the AI was just as bad as I thought it would be.
I'm with you there. Resident Evil 4 was a pleasant surprise, but I was hoping the fifth game would go back to the old school style but of course it didn't. RE5 was a pretty good game as a standalone but it just doesn't feel like part of the Resident Evil universe anymore. And with the additon of Umbrella chronicles and the Darkside chronicles, it kinda just went weird.
Another one mentioned before was Silent Hill. The fifth game was a total trainwreck.
Other stuff like Mario and Mortal Kombat are getting worse but the love is still there.
I'm curious about something though, any fans of the Fallout series? I really liked Fallout 3 but had never played the previous games. I heard that it's a real big difference. Did it do anything to hurt the fandom?
why would you make a radical change like that, then go back to an outdated gameplay formula. RE5 was avergae because the story has actually gotten worse than it already was, the enemy AI was the exact same as the first one, and they are still sticking with ancient gameplay design, like not being able to move and shoot. Going back to fixed cameras and purposely broken controls would not have made RE5 better.
I attempted to play the first 2 games, but found them very old school and not much fun. The combat system was older than the pixel, and the game fell into that nasty habit of older games: getting lost and not being able to find your way for hours. Fallout 3 was easily the best game in the franchise, although many will disagree with me.
You wouldn't have to go back to the old camera system. Also, the controls in RE4 and RE5 are the same as in the past games, it's just that the new camera system makes it seem better. Anyway, what the old series fans want is a return to the survival horror roots of the franchise. RE4 and RE5 were action games, not survival-horror.
RE0-CV: "You're surrounded by hideous monsters and zombies with little means to defend yourself. Welcome to your worst nightmare"
RE4: "The president's daughter has been kidnapped! Are you a bad enough dude to save the president's daughter?"
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