Hi, I'm trying to choose between four vectrex games. They are Clean Sweep, Bedlam, Berzerk, and Hyperchase. If it helps I already have Scramble. I can only get one of them right now.
K I think I'm narrowing it down to Bedlam and Clean Sweep. But I also have the option of buying the overlay for minestorm, but I don't think I'll get it over a new game. I also hope my vectrex gets here tommorow because I already have Scramble,Vecmania(homebrew 6 games and 2 demos on one cart), and Mine Storm(of course) and I am dying to play them
First let me tell you the Vectex system is not cheap. I paid 155 for mine (don't worry it's with shipping, the auction itself was 135. With it got a system with the box and manuals, I might get lucky and it will have the overlay for mine storm but most likley not. However the two games I've gotton so far are cheap. Vecmania was 22.25 and Scramble complete I got for 21.25 and both of those prices are include shipping.
K i'm getting Bedlam because I can get it complete for like 33 dollars. I'm into getting the games complete because I like colecting and I've heard that the overlays add more to the game
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