(GameCube) Paper Mario: TTYD Questions

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#1 Mariofire44
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Hey, if you haven't played Paper Mario: TTYD for at least roughly a bit more than halfway through the story (about the 5th chapter out of 8 total), then don't bother with this. I'm just wondering about a list of questions i came up with just now, and I'm wondering what all your answers are! If you're in a hurry, then try this later maybe, because this list is 20 questions long. Question 1: Who is your favorite partner? Question 2: Who is the partner you actually use most often? Question 3: What stat do you think is the most important to upgrade: HP, FP, or BP? Question 4: Have you ever tried to collect all 85 badges? Question 5: Have you ever tried to get the Tattle Log data on every single enemy in the game (including bosses)? Question 6: Have you ever tried to cook all 57 recipes? Question 7: Have you ever tried to get all 100 Star Pieces? Question 8: How often do you switch badges? Question 9: What is your favorite badge? Question 10: Do you think Power Plus (+1 attack to all of mario's attacks except a couple) is worth 6 BP? Question 11: Do you ever use the Trouble Center? Question 12: What is the most boring chapter to you? Question 13: What is the most fun chapter to you? Question 14: What is the deepest floor you reached in the Pit of 100 Trials? (you can easily check via the northeast sign in the room before the first actual room) Question 15: Out of 10, what do you rate the battle system in this game? Question 16: What common enemy (a.k.a. not a boss) do you hate the most? Questions 17 & 18: Have you heard of the "Amazee Dayzee?" If so, do you know what is so special about it? Question 19: Have you ever given the green rat in the east corner of the Rougeport...well....port, any coins? Question 20: Is there anything you can think of that would make the game better in your opinion? (Remember, it's E for Everyone; make sure your addition(s) keep(s) it that way) You can add any other comments about the game below your answers. My answers: (if you don't want to, you don't need to read this) 1. I don't really think i have a favorite, honestly. 2. Goombella for her Tattle ability in battle (and to hear her funny comments on things around you) 3. Too hard to decide! 4. Ho boy, of course not! That'd make the game much, much longer than I could handle! 5. Yes, actually. In fact, I'm trying to do that right now as I type this! 6. No, but i might in the future..... .....nah. 7. Heck no! That'd make the game too boring with all the backtracking! But i do check behind walls and interact with objects (bushes, trees, pipes, etc.) when I'm in a new area. 8. I've been changing it for upcoming batttles that my current badges won't help too much, but usually not that often. 9. I don't think I have a favorite, but I do use Spike Shield often. 10. I do think that's a bit of a rip-off, but I have one equipped because I once got a Power Plus from the Star Piece Trader, and later on in the game, I upgraded BP for two levels, forgetting to add more badges after it. Then i went to badges once, and noticed that i had 6 unused BP, so I thought "Ah, what the heck - it'll surely help out in many battles to come!" Sure enough, it did! I also obtained a second one, but I think 12 BP is going a bit too far. 11. Yes, actually. I look online for which trouble gives what (if i haven't practically memorized it already from the past times i've played) and do troubles that give me cards for the Pianta Parlor. I love the Plane Game! 12. Definately Chapter 2. The Punies are simply a hassle to control and make sure they don't get lost once you have 101 following you! If the game designers made this chapter a second longer, I'd probably go nuts from boredom! 13. Chapter 3. It's so fun to fight your way up to the champion, and give him a taste of his own medicine - RAWWWK THE HAWK HIMSELF! Plus, the things you do inbetween batles are okay, too. 14: I can't check now, because I'm in the middle of Chapter 5. I'll edit this answer as soon as i arrive at Rogueport! 15: A full-out 10. I love how it is turn based, (I was a die-hard Pokemon fan when I was a lil' tyke, but I only like the game today) but the Action Commands make it so that you don't bore yourself just waiting for your turn to begin again! I also love the idea of the SuperGuard - it's a give, take situation: You get the ability to dodge all damage, and, in most cases, damage the attacker 1 damage reguardless of it's defence, but it's much, much harder to get the timing correct compared to the regular Guard (which decreases damage taken by 1) 16. As of now, Crazee Dayzees and Hyper Clefts, because once, in Chapter 4, after I fought ????? (not saying his real name in case people at that point are reading this) the first time, (when you loose all of your partners) i went back to Twilight Town, but I ran into a group of enemies, which, in order from left to right in battle, were: Amazee Dayzee, Hyper Cleft, Amazee Dayzee. The first one made me fall asleep, then the Hyper Cleft charged it's attack power, and the second Amazee Dayzee ran away.then next turn, the first Amazee Dayzee also ran away, and the Iron Cleft from this point on kept charging, then attacking, then charging, then attacking again until I died. Who knew that the enemies who really put up a fight were two flowers and a rock!? 17. Yes i have, actually. I have played Paper Mario roughly 4/5 of the game so far via the Wii's Virtual Console, and the Amazee Dayzee appeared in Flower Fields. 18. Assuming that their purpose is similar as it's reason in Paper Mario, if you somehow defeat one, you gain a trumendous amount of Star Points. I've encountered quite a few of these special flowers in TTYD, but I have yet to defeat one. 19. Yup. I've given him either 400 or 500 coins. If you have no clue what this does, later on in the game (you can pay him up to until post-Chapter 4), he'll come back. He'll pay you 3 times the amount you gave him. (example: you give him 200 coins, later on he gives you 600) 20. Only one: after the actual story ends, the game loses most of what makes it fun. There's simply not enough to do post-ending. Well, I guess you could try to get all Badges, Recipes, Tattle Log Data, and Star Pieces among other things, but that's simply too much work for me to do all four at a time!
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#2 Phantom5800
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1. Goombella :P or the bomb-omb (I don't remember the captains name ... been too long) 2. Goombella 3. I usually do HP for the most part, and FP never goes over 30 (BP is rare unless I find a really awesome badge I want to use) 4. no 5. See answers to 1 and 2 :P that might give a hint 6. Not really tried, but I do make stuff whenever I get back to Rogueport 7. no way 8. rarely, I usually just keep on the ones I like 9. not sure, in the first game it was Peekaboo, but I can't say in TTYD 10. I use it sometimes :P so yes if you have the BP 11. Rarely, I usually don't like those missions 12. Chapter 2? The tree ... I hate that one so much 13. 3 or 6, I can't decide. I loved the tournament and the train :P it was just so awesome. One was constant fighting while the other had barely any, but they both had a kind of mystery feel that I liked. 14. I've never gone in :embarrassed: 15. 10 :P It improved so much on the first I can't help but love it. I can't think of anything I would add to it as an improvement 16. Not sure, it's really been too long to say for sure. 17/18. Of course. They're really hard to find and beat, but the experience ... oh yeah 19. Yes, sometimes I forget, but the return is so worth it later on. 20. I wish it were longer :( I'd also change some chapters a little. Chapter 2 needs to go away completely, and I didn't care for the moon base either (though it was tolerable). I wish there was more at the Glitz Pit after you beat it though :P it was just so fun. And the train too.
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#3 CD-i_ownz
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1. Fully leveled Goombella

2. Goombella

3. Easily BP

4. No

5. Tried, lemme double check if I have them all

6. Yes and did, great help in the Pit of 100 trials

7. No but came close just looking in suspicious spots playing through the game

8. Whenever I find one

9. Spike Shield+ Jumpman

10. Heck yes

11. Occasionally, rewards aren't worth it though

12. X-Naut base

13. Twilight Town

14. Cleared the whole thing just today:)

15. 7 out of 10

16. Anything in large groups

17. Yep

18. The ultimate grinding tool

19. No

20. More Super Bowser Bros levels

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#4 KH-mixerX
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Question 1: Who is your favorite partner?

Admiral Bobbery

Question 2: Who is the partner you actually use most often?

Either Yoshi, Goombella, or Bobbery

Question 3: What stat do you think is the most important to upgrade: HP, FP, or BP?

HP of course

Question 4: Have you ever tried to collect all 85 badges?


Question 5: Have you ever tried to get the Tattle Log data on every single enemy in the game (including bosses)?


Question 6: Have you ever tried to cook all 57 recipes?


Question 7: Have you ever tried to get all 100 Star Pieces?


Question 8: How often do you switch badges?


Question 9: What is your favorite badge?

The useless ones

Question 10: Do you think Power Plus (+1 attack to all of mario's attacks except a couple) is worth 6 BP?


Question 11: Do you ever use the Trouble Center?


Question 12: What is the most boring chapter to you?

Chapter 1

Question 13: What is the most fun chapter to you?

Either Ch. 3 or 6

Question 14: What is the deepest floor you reached in the Pit of 100 Trials? (you can easily check via the northeast sign in the room before the first actual room)

I've gone all the way...hehe

Question 15: Out of 10, what do you rate the battle system in this game?


Question 16: What common enemy (a.k.a. not a boss) do you hate the most?

The ones you can't jump on

Questions 17 & 18: Have you heard of the "Amazee Dayzee?" If so, do you know what is so special about it?

Yes & No

Question 19: Have you ever given the green rat in the east corner of the Rougeport...well....port, any coins?

Don't remember

Question 20: Is there anything you can think of that would make the game better in your opinion? (Remember, it's E for Everyone; make sure your addition(s) keep(s) it that way)

Make it longer. The game was too amazing to be as short as it was.

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#5 Daavpuke
Member since 2009 • 13771 Posts

I absolutely friggin love that game, but that's a whole mess to read...........

Question 1: Who is your favorite partner?


Question 2: Who is the partner you actually use most often?


Question 3: What stat do you think is the most important to upgrade: HP, FP, or BP?


Question 4: Have you ever tried to collect all 85 badges?

Lol, no, some are really useless.

Question 5: Have you ever tried to get the Tattle Log data on every single enemy in the game (including bosses)?


Question 6: Have you ever tried to cook all 57 recipes?

Same, useless.

Question 7: Have you ever tried to get all 100 Star Pieces?

Yes, but that's a bit hard.

Question 8: How often do you switch badges?

Not a lot, only in specific sections where some don't work.

Question 9: What is your favorite badge?

The ones that change you into WaLuigi!

Question 10: Do you think Power Plus (+1 attack to all of mario's attacks except a couple) is worth 6 BP?


Question 11: Do you ever use the Trouble Center?


Question 12: What is the most boring chapter to you?


Question 13: What is the most fun chapter to you?


Question 14: What is the deepest floor you reached in the Pit of 100 Trials? (you can easily check via the northeast sign in the room before the first actual room)

Don't remember 40 or 50

Question 15: Out of 10, what do you rate the battle system in this game?


Question 16: What common enemy (a.k.a. not a boss) do you hate the most?

The ones you can't jump on

Questions 17 & 18: Have you heard of the "Amazee Dayzee?" If so, do you know what is so special about it?

Yes & No

Question 19: Have you ever given the green rat in the east corner of the Rougeport...well....port, any coins?

Yes, it pays off.

Question 20: Is there anything you can think of that would make the game better in your opinion? (Remember, it's E for Everyone; make sure your addition(s) keep(s) it that way)

No, it's near perfection. Though I would've liked to play with known characters, at least 1 or 2.

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#6 Mariofire44
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
By the way, here's a small tip about using Power Plus: Using the Jump action command will do more than the hammer action command if you have one or more Power Plus badges equipped.
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#7 Mariofire44
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

I just beat Paper Mario TTYD! I was level 27 when i beat it. (which is ironically the highest level in Paper Mario for N64)