i ... have been a gamer since games was white dots on a tv. i could never had kept the interest if it was still small white dots today. :)knut-am
I like this quote the best. It sums up this thread nicely.
Of course games today are different than they were. It doesn't mean the past games are bad. For instance, there is some PS2 game (I think it's a racing game, not really important) that uses Pong as a loading screen. I was amazed one day when two kids who were around 8 years old wanted to sit there and play the Pong loading screen instead of getting on with the PS2 game. A good game is a good game, even if it is just two white lines and a dot. And kids today can enjoy the same games that kids enjoyed 30 years ago.
Still, just because you can have fun with a white dot, doesn't mean that you stop there.
Also, I don't get this distinction people keep trying to make about the old games that were supposedly all about the "fun" and newer games that are supposedly all about "realism/graphics/cut-scenes." For the record, games have always been about the graphics. That goes way back to at least Atari vs. Colecovision and probably earlier. Better graphics has been a main selling point for each generation of consoles and there has always been hype about game graphics. Many games that are outdated today were touted as cutting edge graphical masterpieces in their day.
Moreover, I don't think gaming was, is, or ever will be just about "fun." I always thought that the point of gaming was actually the interactivity - making the player as much a part of the fun/action/story/simulation as possible. For example, and I'm not meaning to pick on anybody, but genres like ship simulators have been around for a long, long time, some people find them engaging, but can you really say that they focus on the fun?
I'm also going to have to disagree with the poster upthread who said that poorer graphics left more to the imagination and so made games more engaging and the posters who believe that the restrictions of simpler graphics made the game developers focus on gameplay and thus produced better games in the past.
I think that better graphics are better able to engage the player and so have a natural tendency to produce more interactive/better games. The fact that there are examples of games that have excellent graphics, but are not engaging is not a sign that better graphics = bad games. It is just a sign that those particular games aren't living up to their potential.
Also, I find it hard to accept the argument that past game developers were not focusing on producing the most cutting edge graphics that they could at the time. I don't see why such a focus was not detrimental to games in the past but is detrimental to games now.
As to this "new" trend of games as interactive movies - wasn't that a fad a long time ago, i.e., CD-ROM games like Night Trap, Phantasmagoria, some Zeldas, etc. Didn't it fail? Seriously, I don't get all this talk of new games being = to interactive movies.
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