Halo, Cod, GeOW, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead
Pure shooters. I feel shooters have reached their full potential years ago & have nothing left to offer the industry. They're extremely boring, repeptive & have no soul or depth to them.
For example Halo is what Mass Effect would like if designed by a new born baby. If you distilled ME down to ther very basic, barebones, you would then have Halo.
There is no lore, no extensive stories & backstories, no interaction between characters, no choices, no variety, no role playing, nothing. Just down to the very basic from of game design & gameplay. Move from point A to point B, funnel m edown a linear level while doing absolutely nothing more than holding down the shooting trigger. Cue cutscene, end game.
Lifeless, boring, dull game. That kind of game is extremely dated.
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