I jumped on XBLA and got 'Limbo' because a mate told me it was a winner.
I recommened that to a friend for when it came out in PSN, it's a great game, :) That secret stage is pure evil though :O
I bought Battlefield 2, pretty much because a friend at the time had it, I liked it a lot, was a good online shooter. Incidently, 1 of the reasons I haven't picked up Battlefield 3 is because none of my friends have it.
I bough Project Gotham Racinf 2 on a recommendation, still to this day my favourite racing game. I also have PGR 2 to thank for introducing me to Toby Lightman, great singer.
I recently bought the Dead Nation DLC Road to Devastation because a friend also bought it, it's ok. Fun in small doses.
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