Heatseeker Couldn't remember what it was that made me hate it so much, so i reminded myself tonight.
It has the single most annoying, frustrating and loathesome task i've ever encountered in a game. It's like whoever thought of it had the idea of making the game a bit tricky, then didn't bother testing it when he was done. Then lied to his fellow programmers, and the publishers.
I had the familiar feeling at the start of the mission where i was thinking "Maybe 5's a bit harsh, i mean it does have its idiot-points but this feels like a 6.5 game". Then i hit the checkpoint and attempted the impossible task, failed, tried again, failed, tried again, failed, got annoyed, failed etc
Here it is:
It's the 5th stage of the 10th mission (Operation Bear Trap). After having protected your fleet and destroyed waves of fighters, bombers and subs you have to go up against an Ace squadron. You have to destroy all 5 planes to beat it. Easy, yes?
No. One of the planes is a boss and what that means in Heatseeker is that it takes much longer to get a missile lock (in this case 3-5secs) on and it takes many many missiles/bullets to kill it. Like a stupid amount; 10 or 20. The other planes take 3 or 4. Also they use their own flares and decoys, so only about 1 in 4 of your missiles will actually hit. You can alternatively use guns but in order to do that you need to shoot in front of where the target is heading. And the boss flaps about like a crisp packet in the wind.
Also being an Ace squadron they fight you harder and fire missiles/guns at you more often (The missile avoidance system is programmed in such a way that you have to stop what you're doing and press a button combination to get away).
Sounds challenging but not impossible so far, yes? Jink around a bit, do some high speed passes to get the best chance of getting a missile lock. Yep, all good ideas. Except you can't because you only get 1 minute to complete the task, because you're about to run out of fuel (something you don't have control over).
Actually to be more precise, you get 30secs before your wingman notices the fuel problem, but that time is spent getting to within 1000m of the enemies and scrolling through the targets one by one because no one at IR-Guru's thought of adding a 'target closest to reticule' feature.
The only online guide i could find was for the NTSC version, and they get a whole extra 30secs before the 1min warning, making a total 2mins to complete the task. I doubt it would even be beatable in that time.
So $&£# it. That one task completely ruins the game.
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