Seeing as I have a rather compulsive side to me, I nearly always finish any game I start.
Untill last year I had a guilty concience because I never finished "the last guardian" on my NES, I managed to find the game again, (sold it back then, kept the NES)
Now the only one is Assassins Creed 2, Im playing itthrough now, I always burn out on it somehow, it may be the overly long drawn out unskippable conversations, the incredibly bad and corny script. Or the rather slow and relatively clunky movement.
I WILL finish it tho, overall it is not a bad game, but it just slows to a dreadful crawl from time to time, and me being compulsive means that I need to find every feather, visit every vantage point, upgrade everything in the mansion, get all weapons, and solve all fetch and puzzle ish quests.
It is alot to do. and I suppose that may have something to do with me burning out on it. Well that and those Bards -.- one day theyre gonna get it -.-
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