Tough question, considering there are games that you might presently think you'd never get sick of, but at some point might. That happened to me with F.E.A.R. which shocked me a bit, but I'm now feeling is way too linear for me anymore, despite some of it's excellent atmospheres and great graphics.
I don't have much of the plethora of older titles I used to, and at times wish I still did, such as Resident Evil II & III and the first Silent Hill.
I plan on holding onto some games I still currently have though (that are all more recent titles), that I know I'll probably come back to: Half-Life 2 (PC), DOOM III (PC), Dead Rising (X360), Burnout (X360) series (& probably future releases), Chronicles of Riddick (PC), Gears of War (X360 & probably the PC version), GTA IV (PC - mention that because it'll probaby be a keeper & I no longer have the earlier titles), Far Cry (PC)... and I'm sure there are definitely upcoming titles I'll never get rid of, such as CoD4 (PC), Crysis (PC), Blacksite: Area 51 (PC), Stranglehold (PC), UT3 (PC), Burnout: Paradise (X360)... and a few others we'll have to see about.
I do regret having to get rid of one title I absolutely loved, which was Mafia (PC)... just a spectacular game, but will not run on any current OS. I also miss Max Payne, but the first will not run on current OS's and the second seemed to have some problems as well.
So my list includes upcoming titles that I'm pretty sure I'll never get rid of, but it's still relevant.
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