I am just wondering what games you have recently given up on and thrown aside/traded/uninstalled. It might be interesting to see if there are any common titles or reasons.
Stalker Call Of Pripyat: It consistently crashed while in Jupiter.
Stalker Clear Sky: I tried to give this one another go before getting CoP recently, but the performance was still shoddy on my rig.
Braid: I put 17 hours in and then I hit a puzzle/level near the end which I could not for the life of me pull off, even after watching hoards of vids on how to do it.
World Of Goo: Great game, just never got around to finishing it.
Bioshock 2: Just didn't grasp me as the first did. Also it showed it console roots far more than its predecessor.
GTA4: Horrific performance and like others my first handful of hours was spent babysitting.
Mass Effect: Didn't care for the combat and everything involving the mako.
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