So recently, I bought Tom Clancys: Advanced Warfighter from EB used.
To my surprise, when I got home and opened in, there was an unused one-month Live subscription card behind the manual.
Guess they forgot to take it out :P
Here are some things Ive learnt from my experience at EB.
I never buy new games from them unless they are $15 or less and/or rare.
When I do buy new games, I always ask if they have a sealed game in stock rather than the one they use as a floor sample.
I always check inside the cases when buying used games for possible missing manual.
I also examine the case itself and check for ripped, broken, jagged etc. parts.
Trading games in is a waste of your money. I learnt this the hard way with my Gamecube games. You can earn much more selling personally.
Staff opinion is useful when determining game selection. Remember, they are gamers as well.
Be nice to the staff. I think its in the Employees Manual to be as much of a douche possible, if the customer gives any trouble.
So what does the public think? Do you see EB/Gamestop as a good gaming venue? Or just a place for used/rare games?
Also, what is the length between price mark-downs? 1 month? 3 weeks? Dependant on the game? Supply and Demand?
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