It's a bit depressing been gaming since the mid to late 80's and it feels more like a chore to play then actual fun feel like I experienced it all and there's not much innovation anymore.Especially in the AAA market these companies rather play it safe then try something different where every game feels the same now. Guess I'm jaded but man I miss being blown away by a game or it's tech at least. For me I think the future of VR may be the only thing that interest me anymore I have become a high standard whore lol.
Sad to read, best I can recommend is if you wish to try rekindling your love for games? Go back to what got you hooked in the first place.
For some it's the gameplay of a certain genre, a gripping story or crew of characters, and others 'as you noted' is the jump in technology (which would be almost impossible to recapture).
Can agree too many games have become formulaic, namely in AAA gaming. Luckily a lot of those games I have zero interest in personally.
If trying to go back doesn't work or seem appealing, may just be worth taking a break from gaming. Could just be over-fatigue after all.
I can sympathize to a certain extent. Games don't seem to excite me as much as they used to. Nowadays I just play a handful that capture my interest in some way or another. Could be a short story-driven experience I discovered by chance or something entirely out of my comfort zone.
After finishing Persona 4 Golden I instantly regretted not playing more Japanese-developed games. They're an untapped source of video game magic for me that's missing from most AAA western games. I'm now playing Catherine Classic and making plans for giving Yakuza 0 another go.
I also devote most of my gaming time on online multiplayer games I play with friends (Rocket League, PUBG, Monster Hunter: World) which keeps things fresh and exciting.
All the above, as well as not being afraid to take short breaks from gaming have helped me avoid game saturation. No need to force yourself.
Sad to read, best I can recommend is if you wish to try rekindling your love for games? Go back to what got you hooked in the first place.
This is a great point. As simple as it is, I'd say take a break even. Whether it's long or short. Just go back when you're really in the mood for something. I only ever touch games when I "want" to actually play them and experience it. I've got a handful of games on hold now that I hope to resume sometime shortly.
Sad to read, best I can recommend is if you wish to try rekindling your love for games? Go back to what got you hooked in the first place.
For some it's the gameplay of a certain genre, a gripping story or crew of characters, and others 'as you noted' is the jump in technology (which would be almost impossible to recapture).
Can agree too many games have become formulaic, namely in AAA gaming. Luckily a lot of those games I have zero interest in personally.
If trying to go back doesn't work or seem appealing, may just be worth taking a break from gaming. Could just be over-fatigue after all.
You might be right thanks.
@vfighter said:
Take a break and come back later, nothing else you can really do.
Yeah, I think I need to find a new hobby and take a break.
@johnd13 said:
I can sympathize to a certain extent. Games don't seem to excite me as much as they used to. Nowadays I just play a handful that capture my interest in some way or another. Could be a short story-driven experience I discovered by chance or something entirely out of my comfort zone.
After finishing Persona 4 Golden I instantly regretted not playing more Japanese-developed games. They're an untapped source of video game magic for me that's missing from most AAA western games. I'm now playing Catherine Classic and making plans for giving Yakuza 0 another go.
I also devote most of my gaming time on online multiplayer games I play with friends (Rocket League, PUBG, Monster Hunter: World) which keeps things fresh and exciting.
All the above, as well as not being afraid to take short breaks from gaming have helped me avoid game saturation. No need to force yourself.
Exactly, I do that way to much thankfully the weather is starting to get better outside going hiking could be a nice change.
Play better games that are not AAA mainstream open world games.
If I were to play exclusively them then i would be in same spot.
for 2021,
Hitman 3 recently released and conclude excellent trilogy ie best stealth series since original splinter cells and early Hitmans.
Deathloop coming out that looks most innovative game to be release today.
STALKER 2 become reality. finally sequel to one of the greatest game of all time and with Mod support its going to be blast. cant imagine it without modding.
Play better games that are not AAA mainstream open world games.
Agree with this statement full-heartedly. And worth keeping that in mind OP
Open World games are very safe, and with a removed HUD majority blend and look the same. Fundamentally not very satisfying games either, rely on you fetching and picking up scattered collectables. Time sinks with no reward. The appeal of the OW genre is immersion, and it's difficult to get immersed when many/ most come across as the same experience.
Game genres with more replayability and push back are typically more thrilling experiences. And one doesn't get that in an open world game; not typically anyway. And none come to mind that have that. S.T.A.L.K.E.R was mentioned and while I like those games and has a sandbox it's closer to a Survival FPS. Very flawed diamonds those games, they're rough with a lot of satisfying elements.
More linear and well designed maps typically work better I find personally. Because they're designed around the mechanics/ controls the players has, rather than the vistas open worlds rely over depth.
The series I mention way too much, Monster Hunter really gets my blood boiling. As the options/ playstyles are very rewarding and favor experimentation, all in the right ways. Fatalis in Iceborne is simply one the the most rewarding and enjoyable boss battles in any video game period. If we get White in Rise I hope it surpasses expectations_
Yet I also understand it's mechanically taxing and can be intimidating for anyone jumping in. Especially when Game Spot write articles that Monster Hunter is ''too hard''. .
Village coming out looks best RE game by far.
Well. . it could be I suppose? Does have shades of some of the better games. Doubt but looks promising.
Demo left little to be desired honestly, then again that was just a visual overlook. Vampire goth chicks don't really do much for me personally, though I know it has got many very interested in the franchise. Which is only a good thing overall.
I agree with the common advice given: break before you break!
During your break, if you take one, I would suggest that you avoid playing out of boredom because it's what you may be used to doing during your down time. Odds are that after a while you'll actually WANT to play again. Nothing wrong with going back to older titles as others have suggested. Maybe even try a new genre should you return. It's amazing how tastes change over time.
I started out with Mario because that's what we had. I realize now that I abhor regular platform games! I went onto online FPS for a good long while, but when work picked up couldn't keep up and was sad and frustrated. Then I went on to RPGs. Then "building" games (Stardew Valley, Minecraft...).
I been gaming since 1993 and to this day, I still love/enjoy playing new games and playing retro games for that matter. There are times I'll go take a break like a week or so, but still, gaming is my #1 hobby in my life. But yeah, go take a break from gaming, go on a vacation which helps takes the gaming mind off of you and probably whenever you come back from vacation, you might get the urge to come back and play games. That kinda helps me if I need to take a hiatus from gaming.
Tip: Playing Indie games does help trying something new and not the AAA games mind you.
Thank you for all of your replies I think alot of it has to do with my depression I'm working on getting better but man it really takes the joy out of life.
I've been playing since the 80s too. I can't get bored of it. My secret is variety, don't get cornered in your comfort zone. Same for everything, life is too short and the world full of flavours to keep sampling the same narrow slice.
Just quit and sell all of your games and deactivate your GS account.
lol. nice suggestion. I have showed him theres more than mainstream AAA games exist but he ignore and all "AAA industry going down but i still want AAA games" make no sense.
I would have quit gaming if i exclusively on AAA open world games.
Just quit and sell all of your games and deactivate your GS account.
That's a bit extreme I'm not rage quitting lol.
@uninspiredcup said:
It is getting rather meh.
Aside from the odd 1-3 releases a year, tend not to bother with AAA gaming now.
Design, business practices etc.. all bullshit.
Agree for me full immersion VR is the only thing right now that excites me but that's many years off of course for now I can just practice lucid dreaming that will have to do.
Yeah I find that I tend to gravitate more towards "project" games like city builders and such because they're meditative for me. I might turn on a podcast as well, sort of let my brain reach a little bit of a flow state.
AAA games are garbage for the most part. You on PC @warmblur? Lots of g ood indie games and genres to be had that don't require a beastly computer like at all.
@warmblur said:
Thank you for all of your replies I think alot of it has to do with my depression I'm working on getting better but man it really takes the joy out of life.
Depression and anxiety are draining as hell. They will suck the joy out of everything. It's no joke.
Not that I am a serial killer, but I had to take a cue from the show Dexter: if you fake it enough, you just might convince yourself and others you can enjoy life. I pretend to be an optimistic guy, light-hearted and such. But at the same time the idea of a meteor crashing into the earth or Thanos coming and snapping his fingers is a really, really, really pleasant and warm idea to me.
But you can't really live your life hoping some catastrophe will save you So you gotta make do with what you got I guess. Fake it 'til you make it.
Yeah I find that I tend to gravitate more towards "project" games like city builders and such because they're meditative for me. I might turn on a podcast as well, sort of let my brain reach a little bit of a flow state.
AAA games are garbage for the most part. You on PC @warmblur? Lots of g ood indie games and genres to be had that don't require a beastly computer like at all.
@warmblur said:
Thank you for all of your replies I think alot of it has to do with my depression I'm working on getting better but man it really takes the joy out of life.
Depression and anxiety are draining as hell. They will suck the joy out of everything. It's no joke.
Not that I am a serial killer, but I had to take a cue from the show Dexter: if you fake it enough, you just might convince yourself and others you can enjoy life. I pretend to be an optimistic guy, light-hearted and such. But at the same time the idea of a meteor crashing into the earth or Thanos coming and snapping his fingers is a really, really, really pleasant and warm idea to me.
But you can't really live your life hoping some catastrophe will save you So you gotta make do with what you got I guess. Fake it 'til you make it.
I'm just not into indy games although I really did like Superhot though but thanks for the suggestion. As for faking until you make it is not a bad idea although I do worry about my dark passenger showing up and starting trouble lol. But yeah depression is awful thankfully a old friend of mine is helping me through some of this shit.
Yeah I find that I tend to gravitate more towards "project" games like city builders and such because they're meditative for me. I might turn on a podcast as well, sort of let my brain reach a little bit of a flow state.
AAA games are garbage for the most part. You on PC @warmblur? Lots of g ood indie games and genres to be had that don't require a beastly computer like at all.
Its nothing new. Most AAA games been suck since decades. best games always fall under mid tier games. 3 giants EA, Ubisoft and Rockstar making exact same kind of games over and over and over again. lets include sony too since all they do is movie games.
People can argue Doom is AAA of course its AAA. but compare to Battlefield and COD the premier AAA mainstream shooters. Doom always left behind because its too gamey for casual audience. infact it didnot even win any awards at game awards show what game journalists prefer.
Desperdaos 3 is 20 hours full feldge game. its not even a indie game. its fully fledge game but it wont get attention because its not cinematic and took brain. best example of AA game. Eternal and Desperados 3 definitely made 2020 otherwise we saw how gaming journalist praise overrated movie game like last of us 2 as best thing since slice bread. or how hype Cyberpunk was another game where you do absolutely nothing.
same thing will happen this year when STALKER 2, System Shock and Deathloop wont get mention and any mainstream AAA game get attention every year.
This is AAA industry. making non games represent as games.
@ghosts4ever: It's like pop music, man; they'll market this shit to hell and back, only reason it sells. You think Britney Spears sold all those albums because she is talented? You think CoD Warzone and Battlefield are successful because they're better games than Escape from Tarkov, Squad, or Insurgency? Nope. Marketing and suckers. That's all it is.
But yeah depression is awful thankfully a old friend of mine is helping me through some of this shit.
Depression actually suck and my friend even I suffered from it. Best cure in my opinion is workout daily. when you workout your body get relaxed so is mind. also try to get married. my friend we might have different gaming preference and argue alot but its only gaming discussion
other than that but I hope you will get better in your life.
But yeah depression is awful thankfully a old friend of mine is helping me through some of this shit.
Depression actually suck and my friend even I suffered from it. Best cure in my opinion is workout daily. when you workout your body get relaxed so is mind. also try to get married. my friend we might have different gaming preference and argue alot but its only gaming discussion
other than that but I hope you will get better in your life.
DLC/season pass, unfinished games, triple A play it safe, too much zombie games (don't get me started on world war 2 games) remastered/remade galore, FPS genre stinks & open world games take too long to complete. There are reasons I don't like today's video games. But, playing yesteryear games (6th & 7th gaming generation era) help me from throwing away video games altogether.
DLC/season pass, unfinished games, triple A play it safe, too much zombie games (don't get me started on world war 2 games) remastered/remade galore, FPS genre stinks & open world games take too long to complete. There are reasons I don't like today's video games. But, playing yesteryear games (6th & 7th gaming generation era) help me from throwing away video games altogether.
Yeah, pretty much the same here I replay the hell out of games from those era's I know it's not all nostalgia either most games played better back then and there was alot of new exciting IP's we barely get any these days.
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