Hello Everyone,
I am a student at the University of Louisiana and I am doing a collection projection (as known as a paper) relating to the gaming community. The purpose of this is to gather information of people who see themselves as gamers and identify with others who are also gamers. It seems that no matter how gaming has changed society and how many people gain an interest in our group, we still have some stereotypes and generalizations surrounding us. For instance, some people still believe that video games are for children and they make the majority of the current players out in the world; or, that all video games and consoles are developed in Japan. Overall, I want to take a look into how gamers see themselves and how the rest of society views gamers.
Only answer if you are 18 and over. If you wish to remain anonymous, then please say so. Otherwise, you will be identified by your account name. If you have something else to say that is not related to the set of questions, then I would still like you to post your response.
4)What type of gamer are you?
5)Do you identify yourself as a "traditional gamer" (i.e. video games only) or as a "cultural gamer" (i.e. video games, anime and manga, comics, etc.)?
6)Which game platform do you enjoy the most?
7)Which game do you like most by origin?
8)How do you think society views us? Why do you think so?
9)What is your preferred gaming genre?
10)Should features of video games have their own categories at major awards (i.e. game soundtracks at the Grammys)?
11)How has the culture of gaming evolved during the past one or two decades?
12)What does gaming hold for the future?
13)Is gender still an issue regarding gaming?
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this over and for participating in this project.
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