Does anybody feel shafted out of what a game has to offer sometimes? I can appreciate what game designers are trying to do by stuffing their games full of content that requires a lot of time investment, but I'll be honest: I don't HAVE the time to invest to get to the point where everything becomes available in the games I buy, and hence end up feeling like I'm being cheated out of cool content. And even if I did end up putting the time in, by the requirements some of these games go by (looking at you, GeoW3), I'll be bored of the game by the time I achieve these "perks". Many times time isn't the only thing that's needed. Skill is. Again I'll be honest....I'm not a very good gamer. I regularly kill myself in CoD with my own grenades. I suck-ass at competition. Should I be penalized because of this?
When I purchase a game, I want what's included. I don't want to have to feel like I'm working for something that should be there in the first place, and I don't want to feel left out because I don't have X hours a day to dedicate to killing 100 enemies the equivalent of one football field length away with the Boomshot in GeoW3 so I can simply play in big head mode. It feels like a cheap way to increase the longevity of the product. I'm not saying there shouldn't be incentive/rewards in games, but some have recently gone too overboard (GeoW3, Batman AC are two examples).
As much as I enjoy Batman AC and consider it a superior game to AA in mostly every way, AA has it beaten in this respect. AA's puzzles were not too numerous, the linear nature of progression allowed for many to be accomplished along the way, and for the most part they were easier. ACs riddles, while more clever, are far too abundant, and the city construct introduces frustration trying to get to all of them. And as one of my favorite things about AA was perusing the unlockable artwork and 3D models after completion, it frustrates me to see AC require so much more to do the same. So I'm not against unlockables and do think they provide incentive, but the line is being crossed from added bonus to extreme hassle.
All these rewards and unlockables are made even worse by the fact that all of my effort is for nothing when my save file goes. See ya! Seriously? Make them DLC bonuses, bring back cheat codes, I don't know. Just don't make these rewards and enhanced game modes contingent upon my ability to put the ridiculous amount of time requirementin to be able to unlock them. I'm not able to play GeoW3 with all these cool modes like somebody else is because I don't have the time to play as much as he does. Yet we both payed $59. How is this fair?
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