@Areez said:
Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
It's pretty hard for me to get over my dislike of the setting of the game, that era just has little to no appeal to me on average. But the footage of the game released the other day just makes it looks so, so, much better than it has looked to me previously. Expands my day one set up to...
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. A game I also initially had zero interest in, due to AC franchise fatigue. But it seems to right a lot of the wrongs of AC3, and is being roundly praised for having an astounding amount of content, so it seems like a good value that I could get a lot of mileage out of.
Dead Rising 3. Much like Ryse, recent videos of the game have surfaced to assure me it's a good time to be had, especially Gamespot's recent interview with the development team.
It was thought that the humor was gone. Two words: Banana Hammock.
Ryse: Son of Rome. See above, it just looks really good. I love proper QTE implementation that keeps your eyes focused on the action at not at some obscure area of the screen away from what's actually being done. Slick as hell presentation doesn't hurt, because we all want something to show off our new toy.
Killer Instinct. I have gone on and on about how this game really looks like something special and would be to Double Helix what Killzone 2 was to Guerrilla Games, or Uncharted to Naughty Dog. The glowing hands on previews of late and continued positive gamer testimonials have me convinced I was reading Ken Lobb's goofy smile right, he did know they had a damned good game on their hands. This game is the one that got me paying attention to the Xbone at all a few weeks back just in time to hop on to that last chance batch of reserve Gamestop had open a bit back.
Crimson Dragon. Two parts Panzer Dragoon series, (including an aftertaste of PD Saga) one part Star Fox 64. The ability to use my XBL friends dragons as wingmates in the campaign is awesome. (and we BOTH get XP for it)
I'm not past the idea of possibly adding in Forza 5 as well so I can get a feel for the delicious new possibilities opened up by the rumbling triggers. If I can start learning fighters, I can start learning sim racers. They also have the rather cool looking Powerstar Golf on day one via XBL. I'm also hyped for D4 in Q1 next year, looks like the next great Kinect game post Child of Eden. Overall, I'm surprised at all the stuff I'm seeing that I actually really want, this launch has more depth to it than I had previously thought.
Now all it needs is a HALO game and it'd be like the OG Xbox all over again, and I adored the OG Xbox. (I'm still holding out hope for a Halo 4 Directors Cut next year on the Bone.)
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