[QUOTE="Nibroc420"]Great, you named 4 women who didn't fit his complaint, in a world containing 7 billion people. Want a cookie? While it's great that women want to play video games, no-one is stopping them. There's no oppression, and so we dont need people such as the "Frag Dolls", or several other groups who crave the media spotlight. It would be another thing if people were fighting against women being able to play videogames, and having these groups fighting for equality.. However when no-one really cares if a guy or a girl is playing video-games, groups who try to earn the spotlight by saying "Girls should be allowed to play video games too!" seem like pointless attention whores.Lucky_Krystal
I never said that anyone was trying to stop women from playing video games , nor did I say the Frag Dolls were necessary. I didn't even know who they were until yesterday. In that post I was actually speaking about women in the industry, where the women to men ration is much more disproportinate to the ratio of women to men gamers. The women in the industry seem more like they're trying to simply get more women in by calling attention to the fact that there are so few women. But magazines and reporters always bug them about their sex, hoping that they're gonna confess "OH YEAH, THEY SAID I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH AND THEY SMACKED ME ON THE BUTT!" or something. For example, Jade Raymond was frequently asked "what's it like being an attractive woman in the gaming industry?" (more or less) and I was like, "What the heck? Let her talk about Assasin's Creed."
And yes I agree with your sentiment that we don't need the attention whores.
Well EXCUSE ME!. I never said I am against girl gamers.I am just reminding you guys and any girls here of what I read in the recent magazine issue of EGM aka Electronic Gaming Monthly.It's the Frag Dolls group that I really can't stand. They're freakin tools. They only show up like during the E3 gaming convention and they pose for pics. They do act all arrogant and then you hear about younger girls that go up to them crying and stuff because of the Frag Dolls being girl gamers trying to get accepted or whatever in their own little world.Its those girl gamers like the Frag Dolls who are screwing it up. They need to go away. They're really not gaming. They're just modeling for pics technically which disgusts me and probably any other gamer.Bayonetta was made for girls by the way and now everyone's having hissy fits over the rapey stuff in the new Tomb Raider not just by girl gamers but male gamers too.Another thing at the last page or so of the new recent issue of EGM Magazine another female EGM writer is pretty much whining about how she was treated in the past.
Why don't these female writers for videogame magazines just shut the hell up and write a review for a game and not bring up stupid crap about them being picked ond because they're a female game journalist or game developer or something. If these women who work in the freakin videogame industry cant deal with being harassed or some BS they keep bringing up then maybe they should just leave and work in some other business. Also if they want to play a game online with male gamers that's fine but everytime I hear about female gamers online they're the ones that are all arrogant and shove it in your face if you lose against them.slamminjammin69
I don't think the Frag Dolls are screwing anything up. I don't pay attention to them, but it seems all they want to do is promote women in gaming. When I searched them up I didn't find any articles or videos that said they did anything offensive or destructive so whats the big deal? If they can make some little girl (by little I mean 8-13) be less insecure about their love of video games in a world where the media tells them they should like barbie and ponies and not so much manly video games, then let them. I wouldn't see the Dolls that way if I was that age but hey, to each its own. Just ignore them, it was not Ubisoft's intent to "ruin" anything with them, so I don't see the big deal.
And I agree that some journalists and developers can sometimes whine about nothing. Some women will put out the "gender card" for no reason and claim that they are oppressed when they haven't experienced anything drastically or remotley sexist. But you ever stop to think that some of this "whining" may be a much needed calling out to the unnacceptable behavior of the internet? I've seen female game journalists post pieces that don't boil over well with the fanbase. And with the usual batch of "F**K you" "Go die" "kill yourself" "you stupid ___(insert racial epithet here)" that is thrown at you regardless of gender, is a whole slew of "get back in the kitchen" "stupid B*tch" "dumb Whore" and "I hope you get raped."
You can't just shrug stuff like that off, especially considering that much of video game journalism takes place online. They're going to be slammed with people flaming them when they're trying to work. And most are "just trying to write a reveiw" but when one women calls out these people for their overdone sandwich jokes, here goes someone like you going "OMG STOP WHINING, ITS NO BIG DEAL"
Yeah its no big deal for people to swarm your website and call you a whore and say "I hope you get raped" :roll:
I don't think ALL the complaining of women's situation in gaming is necessary. Girls craving attention online by going "OMG IM A GAMER I HAVE BOOBS YOU BETTER RESPECT ME EVEN THOUGH I SUCK HURRRR" just to get attention are indeed annoying. And the word sexist and misogynistic is so abused, that apparently a girl with a huge rack is supposedly "sexist" and shouldn't exist (facepalm).
But there is still a looming problem that can't just be brushed off as no big deal. And also, developers and journalists leaving because of criticism or backlash is extremely counterproductive.
1.)Mature, respectable human beings do not let the mindless nonsensical insults of random strangers get to them. If you take everything that might be directed towards you personally, you're going to have a tough life, and you should avoid careers with high levels of criticism (journalism being one of those). 2.) No-one is preventing women/girls from playing video games. However they're creating groups with the sole purpose of making gaming "cool", and "the thing to do", which only supports unhealthy behavior. 3.) I'm tired of groups saying "We need more (insert gender/race/nationality here) in our field". If girls want to game, nothing is preventing them. It's like how the Minnesota Timber-wolves have been called out for having too many white players, and too few black players on their team. When less than 1/3 of NBA players in the league are white. People create BS problems, and try to act all high and mighty when they're "solving" or "addressing" the problems which they created in their own heads.
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