Ok, does anyone else seem to notice that the past few years the way game stores are selling games has changed from showing us an instore date to a ship date.
So when you see a new game coming out like say Assasins creed dated for 13November07 it means ship date but everyone gets their hopes up as getting the game on that day.
It used to be that the day listed for the game would be the day you could go pick it up at the game store. What happend to that?
Its like how gas stations all charge that .99 of a cent added on to the price of gas so they can make it look cheaper.
like 3.0099 for a gallon of gas. Everyone knows its 3.01 but it looks better when they cut that .01 of a cent off.
I think everyone here can agree we would like an actual arrival date instead of this bs ship date stuff. We all know the game doesn't ship 1 day and arrive the next day at the store. I highly doubt every publisher is paying overnight shipping on all of their games when they are trying to make a profit so give us this Gamestop, Best Buy, Circuit City. Its not asking too much.
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