I've just been wondering about Goldeneye for a while now. I mostly played the single player when I was 17 to 18 years old, really enjoyed the game in those days.
But I hardly played the mutiplayer. Well, not really. We used to go to our friends house and play for a couple of hours. Ofcourse we were all enchanted with how well the multiplayer really kept us emersed into the game.
My questions is: Has the Goldeneye 007 mutiplayer been surpased these days? I did a little bit of reasearch over the net and found that games these days have way more mutiplayer levels, goldeneye just has 4 or 5 levels, most of them not very well made.
Well thanks for reading and thanks for sharing any thoughts on the multiplayer of Goldeneye of N64 and how it holds up with today's games.
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