Right so im thinking about selling my Gamecube even though i don't wanna because i know there are some games out there i could buy so i need reccommendations before i think about selling this Gamecube
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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Super Mario Sunshine
Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox Assault
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Pokemon Colosseum
Mario Kart Double Dash
The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition (should you not have the original cartridges of the NES and N64 games or for collector's purpose)
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Multiplats (should you not have them on other consoles):
Tomb Raider Legend
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Soul Calibur II (the GC version has the best guest star of all three console ports)
Bloody Roar Primal Fury (on the XBOX version, it is known as Extreme)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Mega Man X Command Mission
TimeSplitters 2
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Return of the King
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (Unlike the other games above, I only played the PS2 version, but it's so underrated, I can't recommend it enough, no matter what console it's on)
Beyond Good and Evil (Same as Sphinx)
That's only a few there.
The Simpsons Hit and Run - I still have fun playing this game
Baten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos the prequel game
X-Men Legends II
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
Robotech Battlecry
Goldeneye Rogue Agent
Alien Hominid
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Soul Calibur II
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat Deception
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Mega Man X Collection
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
Splinter Cell 1, 2, and 3
True Crime Streets of New York and L.A.
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
Figiht Night Round 2 since it has Super Punchout as an unlockable
the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games - 2 of the Ninja Turtles games they have the old classic NES Ninja Turtles game and the Arcade/SNES Turtles IV Turtles in Time
Damn, how'd I forget to put F-Zero on there?Adding awesome games that haven't been mentioned:
Tales of Symphonia
Skies of Arcadia
Luigi's Mansion
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Pikmin 1 & 2
F-Zero GX
I highly recommend Rogue Squadron 2.
It's a MUST HAVE for Star Wars fans like me and let's don't forget Battle for Endor.....the most epic battle of any video game by far.
Rogue Squadron 3 isn't bad either as long you disregard on foot missions.
Multiplatform Games:
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Resident Evil 4
Tales of Symphonia
Baten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos Origins
Super Smash Bros Melee
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
F-Zero GX
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters 3
Need For Speed Underground 2
Tony Hawks Underground
GTA San Andreas
Twilight Princess
I'm sticking to exclusives and leaving out the Mario, Zelda, Metroid games as I'm sure you've heard of them. I could list non-exclusives but I'm guessing you wouldn't be selling your Gamecube if you didn't have a PS2 or Xbox/ Baten Kaitos Battalion Wars Bomberman Generations Eternal Darkness F-Zero GX Fire Emblem: The Path of Radiance Resident Evil Resident Evil Zero Star Fox Adventures/Assault Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series Tales of SymphoniaEikichi-Onizuka
Baten Kaitos! :cool:
Pretty much all of my favorite games have been mentioned. I didn't see Super Monkey Ball 2 or Mario Power Tennis anywhere though, definitely must-own games for the Gamecube.
Here's one everyone with a GameCube should have, and so many overlook. And it should be purchased on the GameCube specifically, though it was made for the other platforms...
"Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System".
It's a TPS in the vein of "Ratchet & Clank" with aan All-Robot slant to it, about a little mechanical soldier in a lone fight against evil robotic invaders. It's jokes are sometimes hysterically funny, with great voice work, and the gameplay is like R&C-Meets-Halo. You play through the campaign, and as you find hidden eggs (in the form of gold gears, or the like) and finish the story, you unlock maps, power-ups, remote-control Giant Robot suits, tanks, and other insanity for the multi-player. Now, I'm going to say something here, and I think the assembled brothers & sisters of the Legacy Forums will appreciate the gravity of this next statement but I mean it...
If you have a good-sized TV, four controllers, and three friends who know how to split-screen party like rock stars...
... And snacks, you're going to need a phone to order pizza...
... "Glitch" is the best multiplayer of that or any previous generation, in that format. "Halo" is good... Everyone calm down, I'm givin' the big game credit... But for GameCube owners, there is no finer package of solid fun. Wild story mode that'll keep you searching every corner of the levels for unlockables, whilst it amuses you with pooting robot baddies you can dispatch with a variety of upgradable weaponry. Then when you're done, you can old-school on friends for entire 24hr sessions, never getting sick of the maps & toys the game offers to torture each other with.
It's a stupendous game, and I NEVER see it on anyone's list when talking about great games to have, especially for the GameCube. So you've got a lot of good suggestions from all the other posts, but make sure and look into the ONE game in mine!
You'll be VERY glad you did!
timesplitters future perfect
mario kart double dash
fzero gx
pikmin 1/2
metroid prime 1/2
marioparty 4/5/6/7
kirby air ride
zelda tp/4swords/windwaker oot master quest
burnout 2 point of impact
nfs hot pursuit 2
night fire
It' s a incredible and funny game but insanely difficult neverless, see lack of lock on is heavy to digest.
PS so did you try energy airforce simulation combat game i suggested you?
Here's one everyone with a GameCube should have, and so many overlook. And it should be purchased on the GameCube specifically, though it was made for the other platforms...
"Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System".
It's a TPS in the vein of "Ratchet & Clank" with aan All-Robot slant to it, about a little mechanical soldier in a lone fight against evil robotic invaders. It's jokes are sometimes hysterically funny, with great voice work, and the gameplay is like R&C-Meets-Halo. You play through the campaign, and as you find hidden eggs (in the form of gold gears, or the like) and finish the story, you unlock maps, power-ups, remote-control Giant Robot suits, tanks, and other insanity for the multi-player. Now, I'm going to say something here, and I think the assembled brothers & sisters of the Legacy Forums will appreciate the gravity of this next statement but I mean it...
If you have a good-sized TV, four controllers, and three friends who know how to split-screen party like rock stars...
... And snacks, you're going to need a phone to order pizza...
... "Glitch" is the best multiplayer of that or any previous generation, in that format. "Halo" is good... Everyone calm down, I'm givin' the big game credit... But for GameCube owners, there is no finer package of solid fun. Wild story mode that'll keep you searching every corner of the levels for unlockables, whilst it amuses you with pooting robot baddies you can dispatch with a variety of upgradable weaponry. Then when you're done, you can old-school on friends for entire 24hr sessions, never getting sick of the maps & toys the game offers to torture each other with.
It's a stupendous game, and I NEVER see it on anyone's list when talking about great games to have, especially for the GameCube. So you've got a lot of good suggestions from all the other posts, but make sure and look into the ONE game in mine!
You'll be VERY glad you did!
It' s a incredible and funny game but insanely difficult neverless, see lack of lock on is heavy to digest.
PS so did you try energy airforce simulation combat game i suggested you?
The lack of lock-on wasn't difficult for me, but I can see where it might be a problem for some. I thought the aiming was really smooth and I was able to breeze most bits of the game. I'm gonna go back and play it this winter because I've been meaning to. Such a great game.
As far as the other game, no I haven't gotten a copy yet. I've been in the middle of moving to a different state, so I've been away from game-hunting. But the end of the month, all that is over and i am free again to roam the flea markets & resale shops!!!
Dont sell your gamecube unless you plan getting a wii. Take it from me, I regret selling it and most of the games. Only reason is the only chance to play these games again is hoping for them to be sold via the Wii U. Unless you just go dolphin (we allowed to talk about that...? Will edit if not)
Personally I'm going Wii U/ Wii (for GC games)/ 3DS/ PC. With the way xbox is going its going to be only have Halo, and even htough its my favorite franchise, its not enough to stay on Xbox and pay for gold next gen. But thats just my persoanl reasoning.
I'll just list some of the greatest games of all time here
-Pikmin 2
-The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
-Metroid Prime
If you don't have one of these, you're missing out big time.
Dont sell your gamecube unless you plan getting a wii. Take it from me, I regret selling it and most of the games. Only reason is the only chance to play these games again is hoping for them to be sold via the Wii U. Unless you just go dolphin (we allowed to talk about that...? Will edit if not)
Personally I'm going Wii U/ Wii (for GC games)/ 3DS/ PC. With the way xbox is going its going to be only have Halo, and even htough its my favorite franchise, its not enough to stay on Xbox and pay for gold next gen. But thats just my persoanl reasoning.
I agree, I would not sell. All of the consoles I've sold I've regretted and trust me, it'll be expensive rebuilding your collection.
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