Every once in a while I check out a gory website and read about the drug war or between Afghani police and the Taliban, etc. I watch an authentic violent video or pictures in order to acquaint myself with the harsh reality of the horror that is constantly ocurring in our world. I'm always struck with a sense of empathy, but I've gotta say that I'm at the point where I'd rather not see a dismemberament of any kind ever again. Although, I will say that seeing violence unedited and un-watered down does truthfully represent its perpetrators.
Most of us never see it except in movies and video games. Some of us see it on websites. I can imagine that almost all of us never see it with the naked eye but MAN is it happening all around us. I'm struck by a sense of gratitude for our servicemen and women who deal closely with that harsh reality. However, I don't want to invite it into my life except to get an accurate picture of some of the worst perpetrators of horrific violence among we humans. That may mean the beginning of the end of gory video games for me.
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