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whats up. do u guys think pc version of gta 4 is going to be better than ps3 or 360 version of gta 4 cuz i'm looking forward to playing gta 4 on pc since i dont' have 360 or ps3. thanksfurqan2006
Is that obvious? San Andreas Pc version was betetr then all console versions, so 4 will be no different.
how is it obvious?
pc consels have changed now...their alot more demanding...and personally i taught san andreases textures were worse than every platform!
how is it obvious?
pc consels have changed now...their alot more demanding...and personally i taught san andreases textures were worse than every platform!
How is it obvious? Is that a serious question? consoles have not changed at all, they stay the same until a new one comes out, read the FC2 and Fallout 3 reviews, PC version is always the best version unless the dev takes no time utilizing Pc hardware. Graphics, Controls, Mods, pc verison is better. Can use Gamepad, K/M, use HDTV,etc... Anything a console can do a PC can do and do it better, plus more. Expanded multi-player on PC as well, plus replay editor, that consoels do not have.
You thought, thats nice, PC version still has vastly superior graphics, and mods.
I never tried them on the pc so ???ace-of-spades93if u played a pc game u just know it is good.
i have to say pc version will be better. u will most likely get better things and mods. san andreas is one player game for consoles. pc version u can play multiplayer, only thing was u needed a mod to do it- not a lot of things to do.
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