Hey all... I'm 16, and my parents won't let me buy GTA 4 (The topic title is sarcastic btw).
I know I'm mature enough to handle this game. I've played all the GTAs since GTA3, but my parents have something against me getting this one. This is how it is with most games; if they've heard of the game, I can't get it (same with Halo 1&2, and CoD4 (I got them eventually, though)). I know drugs are bad, and I have promised myself I will never do drugs. I know your chances of succeeding as a criminal are like 0.001%, and an education is a far better choice. I know getting prostitutes is wrong, and I won't do that, either, because I'd rather not get STDs. I've seen plenty of blood and gore in other games/movies, so that isn't a problem. I also know stealing is immoral (I live in a Christian family), and I would never go so far as to steal a car. I also play the GTA games the correct way, by not killing pedestrians for fun.
My parents say "We know you're mature enough", yet they refuse to let me get the game. My dad just repeatedly says "Why would you even want to play that kind of garbage?", like the game revolves around drugs, hookers, and killing pedestrians. They also keep asking me "would Jesus want you to play this game?" like the game offends our religion in some way (It's a GAME, ffs!) Once I replied "Jesus was actually the lead programmer, that's why it got a 10/10!", and my mom laughed and left the room.
It's like they actually believe that **** in the media about this game causing kids to go on shooting sprees at school. My next-door neighbor bought it a few days ago, and he's 14. He, however, has a normal dad, who actually trusts his son not to repeat what he sees in the game.
My parents seem to hate this game simply because it's this game. neither of them want to become one of the "bad" parents that lets their kid play GTA4 . It's not like I can't handle the content. I can go buy it legally in about 6 months, but I really, really want to get it now, before my friends get bored of it and move on to different games. I really don't want to miss out on this one, please help me. What should I do?
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